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Families Again
Friday, 2 July 2010
I Did It! IMade the List!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Compassion International


I know it's a little thing, but it's exciting to me. I made the list of bloggers that blog about Compassion International! Why do I blog so much and tell you so much about Compassion International? Because I believe in this organization. I've seen what it can do for children. I've written to these children and gotten letters back from these terrific kids that just need a little help in life. Help to get them out of the poverty that they are in. Do you want to know more about Compassion? Just press on the banner above or the picture below. Please consider sponsoring one of these great children. It cost about as much as one meal out with your family a month ~ $38. That's it ~ $38 to change a child's life forever! Please pray about it!

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Posted by tink38570 at 9:58 PM CDT
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Thursday, 1 July 2010
Act Fast While the Goin' is Good!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: General


Just found out that TOS will have great deals until midnight on the 4th, but the deals continue to become not so sweet every day that you wait. The deal of $17.76 for two years of The Old Schoolhouse magazine + 5 great ebooks + another great deal (they've already run out of totes) lasts only until 4am ET. So, you only have a few hours left! Then it's only 1 year and all of the same gifts for $17.76 ~ still a great deal but not quite as good. Click on the above banner fast while the going is still good!


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Posted by tink38570 at 11:27 PM CDT
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You Have Got to See This!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: General

This is so cool! I found out about this from a fellow Compassion sponsor! They use it to make coloring pages out of their Compassion kids photo's to send to them. I made one out of a picture of my beautiful wife! Wouldn't this be great for homeschooling! They can also turn pictures into puzzles and other fantastically fun stuff. Here's the address - http://www.dumpr.net/




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Posted by tink38570 at 6:59 PM CDT
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye! For this Special Announcement!
Mood:  a-ok

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! For this special announcement!

From this moment until 4am on July 2nd. The Old Schoolhouse is having a fantastic sale that will really bring on the Fireworks! In honor of Independence Day, The Old Schoolhouse is offering a two year subscription to their fantastic magazine for only $17.76! Yes, you heard right. Our independence was won in the year 1776, so they are offering a two year subscription for only $17.76

But that's not all! You'll also receive a free Homeschooling with Heart tote bag, and five FREE E-Books! These are unbelievable prices! The lowest prices and the best deals ever!

I told you the fireworks were going to fly tonight. Hurry up and click the banner above. It'll take you right to the TOS page with all of the details. Happy Fourth of July!

Don't forget, that as a an affiliate of TOS I will profit from this offer if you click through using the button above. But, please remember my poor hungry urchins that I mentioned in one of my recent posts. Laughing

Just found out that TOS will have great deals until midnight on the 4th, but the deals continue to become not so sweet every day that you wait. The deal of $17.76 for two years of The Old Schoolhouse magazine + 5 great ebooks + another great deal (they've already run out of totes) lasts only until 4am ET. So, you only have a few hours left! 

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Posted by tink38570 at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 1 July 2010 11:22 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Blog Hop Week 3 - Things are hopping!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TOS Crew Blog Hop

I'm posting my hop early this week because I have a special announcement to make tomorrow and another special post for Friday! In fact, the special announcement for tomorrow will be posted very early! About as early as you can get ~ 12:01 am! Don't miss it. 

Wonder what you are going to do for the next couple of hours? How about visiting these wonderful homeschool blogs and leave a comment or two? My fellow crew members would love it! Just hop on over to them and enjoy. Then check back at 12:01 to see the very special announcement!

1. All American Family
2. Growing Fruit
3. Learning to Teach
4. Codex Young Author's Publishing Program
5. Stairsteps Homeschool Academy
6. Kingdom Academy
7. Living Sola Gratia
8. Wynfield Christian Academy
9. The Cow Queen
10. Peace Creek on the Prairie

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:31 PM CDT
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