
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
Now, let me tell you, that when I first heard that we would be reviewing something from Lobster Network I wondered what in the world it was. Now that I know what it is, I know that it is great, but it is still hard to explain! Let's just say that it is kind of like Craig's List, Facebook, and Mozy all wrapped in one...but then again it's not. Oh well, I guess the only way to get you to understand is to just tell you another one of my stories . So, here goes!
Scene 1: Picture it. You're sitting down with a colleague, Sally, during your one hour lunch break:
Sally: So, how was your weekend?
You: Terrible! My mother-in-law is coming for a visit this weekend and so I was cleaning the house to get ready. I noticed a huge stain on our living room carpet. Freddy must have spilled something. It was too late on Saturday to go out and rent a steam cleaner and everything was closed on Sunday. Now I'm going to have to use one of my comp days this week just to get it done.
Sally: Well, we own a steam cleaner, I would have been glad to loan it to you. Why didn't you call?
You: I had no idea or I would have. Bummer!
Scene 2: Picture it. Two homeschooling mom's sitting and chatting during a play day.
Homeschool Mom 1: You know, I have all these homeschool books just sitting on my shelves collecting dust. Some I'd like to sell, but some I need to save until little Penny gets old enough to use them.
Homeschool Mom 2: I know, I have the same problem. I wouldn't mind loaning some of mine out if I knew someone who needed them. Someone should really make a list of our group and all of the things that everyone owns so that we can borrow or buy from one another.
Homeschool Mom 1: Yeah, but who has the time?
Scene 3: Picture it. Husband and wife filling out insurance forms.
Wife: Honey, do you have that inventory of our household furniture that we did last summer?
Husband: Oh! No! I just realized that all of that was lost when the computer crashed last month! Now what do we do? I should have backed up my files with Mozy!
Do any of those scenarios sound familiar to you? Do you wish that you and your friends had a way to inventory all of your stuff so that you could loan and borrow from one another (what a deal in these economic times!)? Do you long for a way to sell your stuff to people who really want it and need it? Do you need a way to inventory all of your stuff and to keep it safe from disaster or computer crash? Well now you do! And guess what? It's all in one place and it doesn't cost a thing! It's called "Lobster Network".
Lobster Network is a really neat website. First of all, after the easy registration, it gives you a place to inventory whatever you want for free. You can inventory expensive items, books, homeschool materials, ...anything you want. It's private and secure. No one has to know that anything is there at all...unless you want them to! So, why would you want them to?
That brings me to the next great thing about Lobster Network. You can make public (allow other members to see) items that you would be willing to loan out, or even sell to someone. "But wait a minute!" you shout. "I don't want just anyone borrowing my stuff!" Well, that's where the comparison to Facebook comes in. Everyone doesn't have to see your stuff. You invite your friends and family members to Lobster Network and you form "communities". They can be private communities or public communities. That way, you only "show" the things that you have to borrow or sell to people you know and trust!
Now things are starting to get interesting. Aren't they? You've inventoried your stuff and invited friends and family and now your ready to start wheeling and dealing! You can even post things that you don't have, but would like to borrow or buy. That way, if anyone sees that you are looking for that item and they have it, they can notify you. The folks of Lobster Network have thought of everything. They even have reports that you can print out as to what you have loaned out and when it is due back, what you have borrowed and when you have to return it, what you have inventoried, or, you can even use it to keep track of things that you've loaned out to people who are not part of Lobster Network!
See how neat Lobster Network is? You can just use it to inventory, or you can loan, borrow, buy or sell and you can do it with people you know and trust. Are you convinced? I am! I love it. All you have to do to join in the fun is just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above and go at it. Still not convinced? I understand. It's hard to believe that something like this could really be true. But, don't take my word for it. Other TOS Crew members have tried it out as well and you can find out what they think by clicking here. Happy Home Educating!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was asked to try out Lobster Network in order to review it on my blog.