
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
When we last left Mr. and Mrs. Homeschooler (Marge and Bert) and their four children Johnie, Debbie, Penny and Danny, Marge had turned from being a "Panicky and Harried Homeschool Mom" to being a "Calm, Organized Homeschool Mom" ~ all by using the TOS Homeschool Planner. Click here to find out how she did it.
Now, however, Marge has other problems. Let's listen in as she talks her difficulties over with her friend Babs.
Scene One - Tired, Down, Homeschool Mom - A Month Before School Begins:
*Ring, ring*
Marge ~ Hello? (sigh) Oh, Hi, Babs how are you doing?
Babs ~ Well, I'm doing fine, honey, but you sound terrible! What's wrong?
Marge ~ Oh, I don't know. I guess it's all of this planning for the new school year. It has gotten so much easier since I bought the TOS Schoolhouse planner last year. It makes life so much simpler. I love it. I just hate the idea of finding curriculum for all of the kids to use. It's so hard to find something to fit all of our different learning styles. I wish that TOS sold a curriculum as well as the Schoolhouse Planner. They seem to know how to make things easy and fun.
Babs ~ Honey, don't you remember us talking about this last year? They do have something like that - the Schoolhouse Planner Monthly Modules.
Marge ~ Oh, I looked at those briefly, but you know I never do well with Unit Studies. First I have to plan them, then I have to find the materials, after that I have to coordinate language, history, and science, then...Oh, Babs, it's giving me a migraine just thinking about it!
Babs ~ Marge! Remember, this is The Old Schoolhouse! They're the makers of the Schoolhouse Planner! You remember...that amazing thing that transformed our lives last year? If I were at your house right now I would bonk you on the head! Has TOS ever let you down before? You really haven't looked at their modules have you?
Marge ~ you know my kids. Johnie likes to do research and write reports, Danny loves to read good books about the things he is learning, you never know what's going to catch Debbie's fancy - you know, since she's in highschool now, it's hard to find things for her, and little Penny...she needs hands on stuff. I just don't know...
Babs ~ Oh Puhleeze, Marge. Here! I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to buy the June Module for you. It's called "Travel the World". I just got done using it with my kids and they absolutely loved it. I want you to use it for two weeks and then tell me what you think. I have a hunch it will transform your homeschool world just as much as the Schoolhouse Planner did.
Marge ~ Oh, Babs. You don't have to do that. I know you are on a strict budget since your surgery last February. You could never afford something like that now. And...HOMESCHOOL IN THE SUMMER? My kids would never go for that!
Babs ~ Afford it?!? Oh, Marge, Marge, dear, dear, Marge! You really haven't done your research. You just let me buy it and tell me what you think in two weeks...and, believe me, you won't have any problem with your kids after they take a look at it. Just trust me on this one.
Marge ~ Well, all right...I'll give it a try if you say so.
Scene Two - Excited Exuberant Homeschool Mom - Two Weeks Later:
*Ring, ring*
Babs ~ Hello Marge? Well, it's been two weeks, what do you think?
Marge ~ Oh! Babs! I can't believe it! My kids actually did school in the summer and loved it! And they learned so much!
Babs ~ See I told...
Marge ~ And the TOS Homeschool Module, Travel the World, has everything. It was perfect for each one of my kids. I couldn't believe all of the links to great websites that they had for Johnnie to use. He just browsed and browsed and learned so much through the online games and sites. He looked them over and then told me which ones would be best for the rest of the kids. I couldn't believe it.
Babs ~ Well didn't I...
Marge ~ And I printed out the module for Danny, and he learned so much just by reading all of the great information from the module let alone the great list of recommended books. He was in heaven! We've had to go back to the library three times in the past two weeks just to get extra books for him to read. I'm so glad that these modules don't cost a lot or we could never afford the gas!
Babs ~ Well I told you that they were inexpens...
Marge ~ And the "High School Expansion" section was just what Debbie needed! She was enthralled by all of the extra things that were included for upper level grades. She's asked me to buy more modules.
Babs ~ So are you going to buy...
Marge ~ And I couldn't believe all of the hands on things for Penny to use. You know with her Asperger's it's hard to find things that will catch her attention and keep her occupied. All of the hands on things that are included were excellent for her. We have the lapbook well underway and the coloring pages were gorgeous. She had so much fun doing them and learned so much.
Babs ~ I knew it would be perfect for...
Marge ~ Even Bert thought the module was great. He really loved the recipes that the kids and I tried out. And all of the kids liked the puzzles and the copywork and the...
Marge ~ Oh! I'm sorry Babs. I guess I have been running on so.
Babs ~ Running on? You've hardly let me get a word in edgewise. Anyway, so are you convinced? Are you going to buy them? Aren't they all that I said that they would be?
Marge ~ Buy them?! I've already ordered all of last years modules for only $83.95. That's only about $7.00 a piece but even at the regular price of $7.95 they are a wonderful deal. And to think you can use them for the entire family! Oh and listen Babs...
Well, at this point I would put in my two cents about this homeschool product, but I think that Marge and Babs have pretty much said it all. Don't you? Of course you can find out more about the TOS Homeschool Module - Travel the World by clicking here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. And, of course, you can read what all of the rest of the great TOS Homeschool Crew had to say by clicking here. Finally, since this product is something that can be used by homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike, I'll close by once again saying...Happy Home Educating!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was given a free download of the TOS Schoolhouse Planner module - Travel the World to use and review on my blog.
Updated: Tuesday, 20 July 2010 2:22 AM CDT
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