
Topic: General
What a strange feeling! I'm almost done with my homeschool Crew reviews for this year (one more to finish up), and I've written quite a bit about ministry and Compassion lately, so I thought that I would just write. You know. Write something that was on my mind. Just a typical blog post. But I can't think of anything! Nothing! Nada! Nil! Zilch! Nothing is coming to mind to talk about.
Do I talk about what is going on tomorrow or do I wait until tomorrow night to write about it? We're going to Dollywood by the way. The kids are excited. Here's a synopsis of what they have been talking about.
- The last time Jacob couldn't ride on the bumper cars at all. This time he will probably be tall enough, but not to drive. Will that be a battle? Me thinks yes! Pray for us.
- Joshua has already asked if I would ride the Ferris wheel with him. Hmmm...I'm afraid of heights, but I used to when I was little. That's a maybe. Pray for me.
- John Allen has mentioned that he wants to ride on all of the roller coasters. He wants me to ride as well. That's a definite no! Pray for him.
Should I blog about what happened today? A pastor/missionary friend of ours called and said that their dog was missing. They had just moved back into the area about 6 months ago. Sarah and I have been friends with them for years. We worked at camp together probably 17 years ago or so. Tim and Karen have been missionaries in two different countries and are now back with their family of 7 children and pastor a church a few blocks away from the mission.
Anyway, back to the dog. He mentioned that it was an English Bulldog with a red collar and the name of "Moogie". Someone had seen it around our house. So I went out looking. The neighbor across the street just said that he had seen him walking down the road. So down the street I went. Sure enough there was a bull dog with a red collar in a yard. I had never seen Moogie before. He was living with another family until my friends got settled and they had just brought him home. So, I asked the people on the porch if that was their dog. When they said "No", I called for him. Immediately Moogie came with tongue sticking out.
Now, if you have never seen an English Bull dog, they are big, even at only a year old. And, Moogie was no exception. I came unprepared with a leash, so I grabbed his collar to try to get him home. He wouldn't budge! I tried again. He moved a few steps then sat down again. I looked into his face and said "Moogie, let's go! Tim and Karen are waiting for you." He gave me a big slobbery kiss and just looked at me. Finally I called Sarah. When she pulled up in the van he jumped up to greet her (he'd never seen her so I it must have been her irresistible beauty - Saturday's our anniversary.), but decided to stop before we got to the door. The only problem was he stopped in front of the van and there was a car behind her wanting to get by. Thankfully we live on a not very heavily traveled street. Finally, I had to physically pick of the hunk and put him in the van myself. He took up the whole passenger seat. I had to squeeze in beside him!
But, when we pulled up and Sarah knocked on the door it was all worth while. The joy on the kids faces was priceless. They were so excited to see him. There oldest boy was at soccer practice. He just happened to be the one that took Moogie's disappearance the hardest. So, Karen loaded up the kids and took Moogie to the soccer field to show him. She said that he would be overjoyed. We were happy to help out.
Or, should I tell you the story of what happened yesterday. We were surprised by Sarah's ladies at the mission...What?...I've already blogged about that? Oh I guess I did.
Oh well, I guess I really don't have anything to talk about. Can't think of a thing. Sorry. I guess you'll just have to go without reading anything interesting tonight. I just don't know what's wrong with me. How strange.