
Topic: General
I have been twitter friends (is that what you call it?) with a family who has been bike touring in South America. I don't even remember how I became friends with them. I think they befriended me first, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I have followed their travels haphazardly, reading their tweets from time to time. Tonight, however, something caught my eye. It was a tweet that invited you to click on a particular site if you wanted to know how to travel on bikes with kids.
Okay. Are you ready? Little known fact about me number three (or four or five, I've lost count). I used to be an avid cyclist. No, not motorcycle (could you only imagine ?) but bicycle. Touring bike to be exact. I have been on four bike tours in my lifetime. Nothing big, but more than the average person rides. Two of them were "Bike 150's" for Multiple Sclerosis. You take pledges and then bike 150 miles in two days. They are a lot of fun. The other two were tours for Cedar Lake Camp. Yes, many moons ago, they had "Bike Camps". We used to ride from Livingston, TN to the Smokies in about four or five days. It was a lot of fun!
Every once in a while I will dream of doing a bike tour with the kids. That seems like kind of a remote idea, though, with all of the therapies etc. that we have for Joshua and Jacob. I'm not sure I could even ride very far these days. I need to get the ol' bike out and try it.
Anyway, back to this family. After I clicked on the site, I found out that they had a journal that chronicled their journeys. When I clicked on this journal, though, I found out what this journey was all about, and found out that this was not their first journey. This first trip that they undertook with their kids was a year long tour of the United States when their twin boys were only eight years old! They bought a triple bike (yes, I said triple!) and attached a bike trailer onto the back for dad and the boys. Mom had her own bike with her own bike trailer attached. Finished the school year, and off they went. I'm only on page sixteen of their journal, but it is amazing. You can read about it by clicking here.
I know what you are thinking, "but you said that they were touring South America". Well, that's where their second trip comes in (at least I think it's their second trip. Like I said, I'm only on page 16). But, I was wrong on one thing. Their second trip isn't a tour of South America, it's a tour from Alaska to Argentina! And they are doing it for charity. An orphanage in Ethiopia that is for kids whose parent's died of AIDS. How cool is that? Of course, now their boys are around 12 years old, and I don't think that they have the triple bike anymore. And, I love it, because they have been homeschooled this entire time. You have got to read their journal. It is a real testimony of how God truly does provide!
Don't forget to click here to go to their journal. Their last name is Vogel and they truly are amazing. Ah, to dream. Well, maybe someday. You never know what the Lord might do or where He might lead !
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 12:26 AM CDT
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