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Families Again
Saturday, 1 May 2010
I'm Just A Bit Upset!
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Men's Monday Meme

I'm just a little bit put out right now! I am not a member of Mr. Linky. If I were a member, then all of the Mr. Linky's for all of my Men's Monday Meme's would stay active. Instead, whenever I post a new Linky, the previous one that was open shuts down. However, there was always a link you could press that would bring up the links to all of the people that posted on that particular Men's Monday Meme. Well, today I was checking one of those links and found that it wasn't working. I am just a bit upset. I value the bloggers that contribute to my Linky and want them to get credit. So, here's what I'm going to do! I'm going to make a special section over to the left of this blog for all that have ever contributed to my Men's Monday Meme. When someone new contributes, I'll add them to my "Men's Monday Meme Hall of Fame"! If they never contribute again, then so be it. They will still be added. Even though meme's are fun,  one reason folks join meme's is for blog exposure. They want people to hop over to their blogs. I want to respect that and give folks a special thank you as well. I am kind of trying to do this by memory, so, if I happen to miss your name, please forgive me and just comment below so that I can add you. I am going to shoot off an email to the Mr. Linky people to see what the matter is, but until then, please except my apology.

Thanks for all of your support of the Men's Monday Meme,


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Posted by tink38570 at 9:02 PM CDT
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