
Topic: Men's Monday Meme
Speaking of being blue. I have an interesting question this week that may be a Hot Topic question for some. It's one that I have struggled with for some time. I used to be totally against most medications. I didn't like ADHD meds. nor meds. for things like depression etc. Well, as I often say, the Lord has a sense of humor. I have a child on two types of medications (working toward the day that he can be off of them, but on them still nonetheless) and after two significant life changing things that happened in our lives, both my wife and I have had bouts of depression and have used anti-depressants. So, obviously, my views have changed. Do I still think they are over prescribed? Yes! But I am no longer totally against them. So, here is the big question for this week.
How about you? What do you think about those types of medications? Are they over-prescribed? Do you think that we should be totally relient on God and not use such things? I'm anxious to hear your answers!
Let me remind you of the rules:
And here's the new Mr. Linky: