
Topic: General
I won't have to look at that nasty ol' 10.
That's on my calender to the left
Every time I see it I feel bereft.
I still recall when my 'puter crashed
I still remember when I dashed
To see what time was on the clock
But, Oh, those numbers they did mock!
It was past 12 and to my dismay
No post had I made upon that day.
That promise I'd made not so long ago
Was to post every day on my blog. But NO!
The broken computer had made me miss
my daily post. I wanted to hiss
"Why me? Why me? What have I done
to deserve this?" I wanted to run.
To hide my face. Oh the guilt, the shame.
Now all of NaBloPoMo knows my name.
"He's the one!" They point - they stare.
I want to run but I don't dare.
I must stay. I must fight. I must start o'er.
The day will come when I'll be more.
When I'll be someone! They won't jeer
When I finally post everyday for a year!
But oh that 10! That one dark blot.
When April comes I will see it not.
A brand new month is what I need
To begin again - to plant a new seed!
So pray for me! That I will not burst
Until on that calender I see April first.
Two more days I must suffer and then it's true
No fool I will be - I will start anew!