
Topic: Ministry
Sometimes, however, the ladies will forget that I am on the crew and that I read every post on our forum. One example is what happened recently. Occasionally we'll get a product to review that is non-homeschool. We heard that we were going to get something from a company called Beeyoutiful. Beeyoutiful makes products like vitamins, creams, facial get the idea. Well, yesterday we all found out what we were getting and were talking about it on the forum. One product, though, was slightly more embarrassing for the ladies to discuss since they knew I would be reading. It was should I say this...ladies midlife crisis cream . While reading their tiptoeing comments, I wanted to laugh. Obviously these girls have forgotten the ministry that Sarah and I are involved with. We work with the low income folks that live in the projects across the street from us. In fact, it's not just the projects that are low income, it's really our whole neighborhood. Sarah has a great ministry with the women of the area, but some of these women are...let's just say...a little less cultured than other women. I have heard it all and seen it all.
Let me give you an example of the folks that we work with by telling you about something that happened a couple of years ago. This doesn't involve one of Sarah's ladies, though. It involves one of the kids that we work with. They had just moved in to the neighborhood and "B" had come to play with my boys. During a break, I had a chance to talk with "B". Here is how our conversation went. Imagine a little five year old boy saying this with a very thick southern drawl.
"B" - "My mama wears a bracelet around her ankle."
"Me" - "Oh yeah?"
"B" - "And she can't take it off."
"Me" - "Oh?"
"B" - "And she can't leave the house either."
"Me" - "Why not?"
"B" - "Because if she does, the law 'll git 'er!"
I quickly figured out what he was talking about. It seems that his mother was on probation for something and wore one of those tracking devices. I promptly ended the conversation.
This is just a small glimpse of the things that we hear and see daily. Life is never boring, and nothing really embarrasses me anymore. I hope this gave you a little smile to help you through your day. Thanks for all of your prayers for our ministry. We couldn't do it without you.
Updated: Friday, 26 March 2010 9:39 AM CDT
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