
Topic: Men's Monday Meme
What are your favorite things about the holiday season and your least favorite things?
When I was younger I loved everything about the holiday season. I loved the hustle and bustle. The busyness. The festivities. The music. The whole works. As I've gotten older, I still like a number of those things, but I must be getting...well...older! I still like to shop for presents, but I don't like to do it as much. I still like the festivities, but maybe not quite as many. I still like the music, but perhaps they can begin the continuous radio renditions a little later than the day after Halloween (I'm exaggerating, but not by much).
I guess my very favorite thing about the holiday season is remembering what the real reason for Christmas is - celebrating Christ's birth. I could - and often do - get caught up in the gifts and the shopping and the glitter, but when I slow down to really think of what Christ did over 2000 years ago, it is really awe inspiring. He left his perfect home in Heaven to come to this sinful world only to go through troubles and trials and die on a cross. But he chose to be be born, die, and come back to life for our sins. So that we would have a chance to go to Heaven and spend eternity with Him. We can have that chance if we choose to believe that we are sinners and in need of a Savior. And if we believe that He died on the cross for us and accept His free gift of eternal life.
My second favorite would have to be getting together with family. I have fond memories of visits with and by family over the years. Family is special. Family traditions are special.
There is really not much that I dislike about the holiday season. Unless, of course, it's too much hustle and bustle and too many Christmas songs. I also dislike the political correctness of the season. There is much to be said about the so called separation of church and state and the inclusion of everyone during this time of year, but I will save that for another post. Suffice it to say that I think our country has gone a little overboard on some things when it comes to the real reason for the season (or the exclusion of the real reason).
It's surprising that some of the things that I love about the holidays are also some of the things that I dislike. Ah, well, isn't that the way it is with most things in life?
Updated: Monday, 28 December 2009 10:57 PM CST
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