
Topic: Ministry
Last night I mentioned that one of Sarah's ladies was in the hospital. Miss Marie had some problems on Christmas so went to the emergency room for xrays. While the xrays were being taken she suffered a massive heart attack. This evening the Lord took her to be with Him.
Miss Marie was a prayer warrior. We knew that if anything ever happened, we could call her night or day and she would pray over the phone with us. She would then share with another shut-in friend, Mrs. King, and they would continually pray for the situation.
She loved the mission, and she loved the people of the mission. And, she loved our kids. Each one held a special place in her heart and she was in the hearts of each one. Our Joshua especially loved Miss Marie. They had a special bond.
We are breaking Miss Marie's rules. We are sad and we have shed tears. Miss Marie didn't want that. She often said "I don't want any crying at my funeral I only want celebrating."
She was right. We don't need to cry. Miss Marie is sitting at the feet of Jesus and praising him. She has no more ailments, no more pain, no more worries.
She knew that the only way to true happiness was believing that Jesus came to earth to live a perfect life and then die on the Cross. He didn't die, however, for anything that He had done. He died for the things that we have done. And, He didn't stay dead, He rose again to prove that He was God. He did this as a free gift to us and all we have to do is accept this free gift and we can know that we will have eternal life with God in Heaven forever and ever.
If you do that, then someday you will be like Miss Marie. No more ailments, no more pain, no more worries. Just celebration.
We don't need to cry, but we can pray. Not for Miss Marie, but for those left behind. For Miss King, for Joshua, and especially for Miss Marie's family. For her son and daughter and their spouses and children.
It will be hard without our prayer warrior Miss Marie. Although she wouldn't like it, there are going to be more sad days. When we told Joshua he was very upset. After consoling him, he decided to go to his room. On his way, he said, in his usual Joshua way, "If you need me I'll be in here making tears."
Joshua, there are always going to be tears, but God is looking down on you now and saying "Joshua, someday I will wipe every tear from your eyes (Rev. 7:17)."Someday you will be sitting with Miss Marie at Jesus' feet and rejoicing forever and ever.
Lord, thank you for the life of Miss Marie. Right now we know that she is in no more pain, she is rejoicing with you. But, Lord, we also know that there are many that aren't rejoicing. Some are sad because they have lost a family member. Some because they have lost a dear friend and prayer warrior. Some are sad because they don't know You. Please, Lord, wipe every tear from our eyes. Be with the family and friends that are grieving, but especially be with those who may not know you. Please help them to come to you soon so that someday they can live without pain and sorry and can rejoice forever at your feet along with Miss Marie. ~ Amen