
Topic: General
I don't generally post diary or schedule type things. Perhaps I should more often. Today, however, has been such an odd, but strangely normal, day for us. Our days are always interesting. With three homeschooled boys, two with sensory issues and with parents that run a mission to low income housing folks, how could our days not be interesting? There are always phone calls and knocks on the door and arguing boys and...and...and... ! There were many things that happened today, though, that made me a little reflective about our world and life in it.
I got up early, fixed coffee, and my wife and I had our usual morning discussion in bed over a cup of hot brew. I recalled a touching story that an old highschool friend had written a few years ago. We just reconnected after 30 years on Facebook. She sent me the story and I had read it just yesterday.
Over the past year I have reconnected with literally dozens of old friends from high school or college. Julie, however, was one of those rare friends that I knew from elementary days. Our elementary school was small. Not one room, mind you, but six rooms one for each grade level (first through sixth), a cafeteria just large enough to serve the food (we ate in our classroom), a boy's restroom and a girl's restroom. That was it. The kindergarten room was in a portable outside. So, you were always with the same kids year after year. Occasionally someone would move away, or a new kid would come, but basically it was the same group. Julie was from that group. We never dated or anything like that, she was just part of a bunch whose friendship lasted off and on from grade school through high school.
Julie is now a writer. After some time away, she has moved back to the same town we grew up in, and writes for a local newspaper. She has also written a few novels, mostly local history, but, she sent me a short story that she claims is her most popular work. It had been published by a Salvation Army publication, so I don't think I can print it here, though I may ask. It was just a great little story that by the end had both my wife and I (me for the second time) in tears. Because it involved the Salvation Army and their work with the poor, it was near and dear to our hearts. Things like that always tend to set the day in a strange direction for me. I should have know that it would be a day of emotion and reflection.
Later that day, I was doing my usual computer surfing. Checking my blog stats, reading the TOS Crew forum, and checking BlogFrog. I've mentioned BlogFrog in a couple posts, but it is basically a group of bloggers that have their own forum. There are things on there where you can promote your own blogs, but there is also a discussion section where you can ask questions and basically begin chats. One particular discussion topic caught my eye and I began to read it. I wish I hadn't. The discussion had nothing to do with blogging or some fun thing, but discussed what should have been a personal family issue. Before long, there were blames hurled and people taking sides that didn't even know the parties involved. It was ridiculous. Sarah often says "Tim, don't argue with Pharisees". I know she's right, but I seldom listen. Yes, I interjected my two cents worth. I tried not to take sides, and just wanted everyone to stop and pray for the situation instead of throwing accusations. It didn't work. I just sat back, read the comments, shook my head and asked myself "what is this world coming to". Then I prayed. Prayed for the whole situation. I'm asking you to pray for it as well. You don't need to know details, just pray for an unspoken request. God knows.
Later, as we were settling down for the night, the phone rang. It was one of Sarah's ladies. Her baby, Chance, was at the emergency room and she wanted Sarah to come. While Sarah was there she found that one of her other, elderly, ladies had had a massive heart attack on Christmas day and was now in a coma. She was able to visit with the family and even go in and pray by Miss Marie's side. Miss Marie asked a few years ago if Sarah and I would speak at her funeral. I have spoken at funerals a couple of times, but that is really not my thing. Things look bleak, but Miss Marie could still recover. Please pray for her and her family. The doctors checked the baby and found that it was just something he ate. We are relieved at that, but please continue praying for Chance and his mother.
I, on the other hand, don't have any sense at all. While all of this was going on, I went and asked the boys to pray for Chance and Miss Marie. Joshua, our kind hearted asperger's child, fell to pieces. He knows both of them, and was worried sick about their health. He asked me time and again if Miss Marie or Chance was going to die. I tried to reassure him, but the damage had already been done. I shouldn't have mentioned anything until I knew some facts. He is happy that Chance it all right, but still concerned about Marie. Please pray for Joshua.
Finally, we are all in bed and I am typing on my laptop at a few minutes before midnight and thinking about the days happenings. I should be used to days like this. The comings and goings, the phone calls, the knocks on the door. It has been a reflective day - odd, but normal at the same time. Such is life.
Updated: Sunday, 27 December 2009 12:24 AM CST
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