
Topic: The Kids
Most of you have seen the widgets that I have on the left hand side of my page. What are widgets? They are those things on the left side that you can press and go to a particular site. My "Men's Monday Meme" buttons are widgets, for example. As are the two from BlogFrog that are in the middle of the left column.
As I began thinking about what things I would miss or not miss, I became a little more melancholy. Not depressing or anything like that, just kind of sad at the thought of my boys growing up. I thought I would share my response with you in today's post. Here it is in it's entirety.
Hope you don't care if a dad jumps in here!
There are many things that I will miss as my children grow older. We have three boys - 13, 9, and 3. If God chooses for us to not have any more children, I will miss not having a baby to hold, sing to and put to sleep. I will miss the baby talk. I'll miss the running and jumping into Daddy's arms, and, as much as I complain about getting old, I'll miss the wrestling and piggy back rides. As my sons leave the home, I will worry and miss having them under the protection of this home that God has provided.
I could post a long list of what I won't miss, but when it gets right down to it, I don't know if there is anything I will actually not miss - even the diapers. Although it's an inconvenience, I will still miss the climbing into our beds in the middle of the night. Although I want my children to love each other, the sound of bickering is better than no sound at all. All parents want their children to be mentally and physically healthy, but some of our best times and discussions have happened in the waiting rooms and trips to the children's hospitals and traveling back and forth from therapies (my oldest is a cancer survivor with an artificial eye, my middle has asperger's syndrome and my youngest also has sensory issues - currently being tested for asperger's as well).
I guess there is nothing that I would not miss, because, I know that every year that passes, and every stage that is grown out of, is another year and another stage that can't be recaptured again. And, although there are actions and disagreements among my boys that I pray will stop, I can't really say that I won't miss them, because I know that at any time God could choose to take one of them from us. We have been through the darkness, and we are enjoying the light with our boys, and, although there are trials, we really enjoy each day with them.
Boy that sounded really depressing for this season. I didn't intend for it to. But when I got to thinking of what I wouldn't miss, I realized that there really wasn't anything at all.