
Topic: Ministry

Why has it been a great day?
It's always a great day in the Lord, but this day was especially great. God blessed us with feeding right around 200 people at our annual Good News Mission Holiday Meal! We prepared and delivered about 100 take out plates for shut-ins, elderly and sick folks, and then fed about 100 folks at the mission today! It was truly a great day.
We want to thank all of the volunteers who helped, all of the churches and individuals who provided food or financial help and all of the businesses who donated or gave discounts for food or materials. But, I would be very remiss if I didn't give a special Thank You! to my wife, Sarah, who once again organized the entire thing, and then cooked 12 turkeys to boot! At the time of this writing, she is now in bed for a well deserved long sleep!
Why no pictures of the great event? Because with all of the cooking and serving and delivering and greeting and emptying trash cans etc. etc. we all forgot to take some! Oops! So you'll have to put up with the not-very-good-imitation-for-a-picture above!
What was is I didn't lie about?
In my mysterious post last evening, I promised that something was coming and I would have more than one post today. Well, it was actually two things. One was the big holiday meal which I just posted about, and the other was an exciting review for Tektoma, an item that we reviewed that John Allen loved.
Well, I love writing reviews, and I love to blog, but I have a hard time loving blogging platforms (computer programs that folks use to write and host their blogs on). I knew that I was going to finish and post my Tektoma review today - hence the mention of a second review. However, what I didn't know (or really had forgotten) was that when you start a post on one day but don't finish it and actually publish it until another day, it shows up on your blog on the day you began writing it. So, the Tektoma review showed up as saying it was posted yesterday, but, it was actually posted today (did all of that just make sense ?).
So, to make a long story short. Something big was coming - the holiday meal; I did write two posts - the review and the meal posts; and, so, I didn't lie! And with that, I'm going to bed...zzzzzz!