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Families Again
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Thursday's Child - First Letter From Feyber
Mood:  happy
Topic: Compassion International

Today has been an emotion filled day. Our youngest son, four year old Jacob, had his tonsils and adenoids taken out. I'm telling you...even after having a child diagnosed with cancer (our oldest, 13 year old John Allen, had retinosblastoma as a baby. He's doing fine now with an artificial eye.) and have a child on the autism spectrum (our middle child, 9 year old Joshua, has asperger's syndrome) I still get nervous when one of my children have to undergo any type of surgery. He made it through, of course, with flying colors but it was still nerve racking for me this morning. 

When we got home, however, a pleasant surprise was waiting for us in the mailbox that really brightened our day. Our first letter from Feyber, our Compassion child from Columbia! He is 13, just seven days younger than John Allen. His first letter was so neat and special. It was different than the first letter that we got from Marcelo. I guess the different Compassion countries do things differently. Feyber's had a little questionnaire and a short letter. It also had a drawing at the top. Here is what the letter said:

He lives with his mother - Luz Nelly and three sisters - Kimberly, Lesly and Sandy.

His best friends are - Paula-12, David-14, Patricia-11, Sandra-14, and Juan-13

Favorites: Hobby-riding his bicycle, food-pasta, subject-computing (IT),  animal-dog, and color-green.

Questions for his sponsor: 1) Do you have any children? 2) What are your jobs?

Bible verse to his sponsor: Psalm 138:3 - On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul. (NASB) (If that doesn't really get to ya!)

Message for my sponsor: Hello, I am Feyber Pena. I live with my mother and my sisters in Bogata. I am in 7th grade and I feel very happy being part of your lives. I thank God and you for giving me the happiness of being at Compassion program. I know that God brought you to my path to bless my life. I hope you are very well and don't forget to write me. Blessings, Feyber Pena, your friend.

I know that I have said this over and over again, but sponsoring a child with Compassion International is a fantastic experience. If you would like more information on Compassion International, just click on any one of the hi-lighted links above or leave me a message with questions and I will be happy to respond.



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Posted by tink38570 at 10:20 PM CDT
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