
Topic: Family
No this isn't me, but don't I wish! No gray flab!
I blogged a couple of weeks ago about my shoulder problems. Well, I have to say that my shoulder is getting better little by little. It has its good days and its bad days but the good days are starting to get the upper hand. Thanks for all of the prayers. Please keep praying.
After I first posted about my shoulder, a good friend of mine wrote and said "It's old age, Tim". I thought, "Thanks a lot, Jan!" Really, we have known Jan and her family for years, and love and appreciate their friendship even though we don't see each other much.
Anyway, I began thinking about it. Is this really what old age feels like? I was really aching! Do you just get used to it? I don't remember my grandparents ever complaining that much. Oh, they didn't move as quickly as young people did, and they got up slowly from their chairs sometimes, but I don't recall that much fuss about aches and pains. Do you get used to it after a while? Does God grant you grace and relief?
I don't think I ever had a real mid-life crises - at least not in my forties when I was supposed to have one. Now I wonder if I'm going through one now. I find myself wondering if I really am getting old. I ask myself what I have really accomplished in life. I try to uplift myself by thinking that most of my relatives lived into their 90's, so I have a good 40 years ahead of me at least. Then I think about the last 50 yeas and how quickly they've gone by. The next 40 will be over before I know it.
But is it really that bad? God will continue to use me just like he has used me all of my life. Even through my weaknesses, he continues to bless me. Even through my sinfulness he keeps forgiving me. And what's going to happen when this life is over anyway? I'm going to Heaven! I'm not even promised the next minute let alone 40 more years, so why concern myself over it.
It's really not that bad. I just need to take one day at a time and continue to thank God for each day. I need to enjoy my wife and my children. I need to keep on keeping on for the Lord. Forget the shoulder! Forget the old age! With God's help I'll be okay. Thanks for letting me vent! And, thanks again for the prayers.
Updated: Friday, 14 January 2011 11:02 PM CST
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