
Topic: Family
Well, it's been over a month and I thought I would check in to see how everyone was doing with their reading. I took a break from my traditional history books the kids took a break from school, so some of the books that I mentioned we were reading we still are reading. But, we have also read some interesting books in between, so here goes.
Tim - Do you remember the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics this last year? Well, they featured the different regions of Canada and during the "Prairie" performance, they had a short reading from a book called "Who Has Seen the Wind" by W. O. Mitchell. The short reading was beautiful and is sounded like just the kind of book that I would like to read. After some research I found out that W. O. Mitchell is a famous Canadian author and Who Has Seen the Wind is considered a classic in Canada. Try as I may, however, I could not find that book in any one of the places that I usually buy books from. It seems that "Who Has Seen the Wind" may be a classic in Canada, but the book and it's author aren't well known in the U. S. A. So, I finally ordered it from Amazon.
I was right. The book was right down my alley. I loved it! I won't go into a lot of detail here, because this isn't a book review it's a "what are we reading" post. I will tell you, though, that I would highly recommend the book, but not for everyone. I wouldn't let my kids read it, at least yet. As many "classics" do, it has some language. Not terribly horrible language, but it has it. The book, however, I feel has a pretty good moral to it. I'd love to hear what some Canadians (or others) who have read the book feel about it. Anyone?
Other than that, I'm presently reading Jesus in the Present Tense by Warren Wiersbe for First Wild Card and I love it. Warren Wiersbe is a great author and this is a great book, but I'll save my final say for the end of the month when I post my review.
John Allen - John Allen finished The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare and said that it was the best book that he has ever read. I didn't have to ask him to read it, he picked it up and read it himself. He has read a lot of great books over the past couple of years so for him to make that claim, it must be good.
Now he's finally finishing The Cat of Bubastus by G. A. Henty. It's not that he didn't have the desire to finish it, mind you. It's just that we didn't bring it with us on our travels during Christmas, and other things got in the way. Just tonight he said that he was going to hate for it to end and that it was right up there with The Bronze Bow. Two great books within a couple of months - that's not bad!
Joshua - Joshua is still in his football phase. Maybe I should say his "football craze"! He loves anything football and he loves the Mannings. Peyton, Eli and Archie! He got a Peyton Manning jersey for Christmas, and we even found a great little book called "Family Huddle" written by the Manning brothers and their dad. Joshua loves it. It has a good story, great pictures and even some football plays. Great for your young football fans.
Now it's back to school and, yes, back to Ben Franklin. It's not that he dislikes the book, it's just that it'! He is doing quite well in school, though, and is enjoying it. So I know he will continue to enjoy the biography of Ben Franklin that we are reading.
Jacob - I have been very blessed to get a couple of books to review from First Wild Card that Jacob has really enjoyed. One, The Dragon and the Turtle Go On Safari, I reviewed yesterday, and the other, God Gave Us the World, I'm going to review tomorrow. The reviews will tell you all about these great books.
Don't bother asking me about Sarah. Who knows what she has been/is reading. She reads all of the time and I can't keep up.
Sorry, no pictures of all of the books this time. Maybe I'll come back and add some later. I've added all of the above mentioned books on my Amazon sidebar, though. If you click on them, it will take you right to the Amazon page for that book. Now, in order to be open, I am an Amazon affiliate, so if you end up buying the book after you click on the link from this page, I will get a percentage of the profit (hey it's an easy way to support a poor struggling missionary family ). Really, no pressure. Please buy the book anywhere if you are really interested in it. I'm only trying to encourage everyone to read!
So, what have you been reading lately? Leave me a comment tell us all about it. Inquiring minds want to know!
Updated: Thursday, 13 January 2011 12:13 AM CST
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