
Topic: General
What would I be blogging about tonight if I were at home? If is the key word here. It seems that there is something wrong with our brakes and we are stuck at Grandma's house.
Not the worst place to be stuck. I do enjoy it here. We did have to miss two doctor's visits today for two of the boys. We canceled therapy tomorrow because we aren't home. We are expecting a couple of letters from a couple of our Compassion International kids. I didn't bring a single homeschool book with me because I thought we would be back by today. We had to cancel Bible Club for tomorrow at the mission because we didn't know if we could get home. Come to think of it, maybe I'm not so happy we are stuck here.
Don't worry. I know. God has a reason for everything. I'm not really complaining too loudly. If I were my font might be something more along this line. After all, things could be a lot worse. We could be stuck in a motel someplace - at least we have Grandma's nice comfortable house to stay in. We could have no vehicle to get around in at all - at least we have Grandma's van to get places if we need to. We could be broke - we aren't rich but God has supplied us with some extra money this month. We could have not caught the brakes until something serious happened - at least we are all safe. Thank you Lord for caring for us and supplying for all of our needs.
So, what would I be blogging about if I were at home. Well, to be quite honest. I have a review for the TOS Homeschool Crew due today. Obviously if I didn't bring a single homeschool book with me, I don't have the item we are supposed to be reviewing. I could probably write the review without the item, but it wouldn't be a really good one. We actually have a couple of days grace period if, for some reason, we can't get a review done right on the exact day that we are supposed to so I have a little wiggle room. I'm hoping we get home before the grace period is up so please don't tell Brenda or Heidi from TOS yet! Ssshhhhhhh! I promise it will get done!
So, what has your day been like? How has God blessed you today? What are some prayer requests that you have? Remember, before complaining, to count your blessings. Things might not be fun, but if you begin to think about all of the ways that God has provided and blessed then it takes a little of the sting away. Don't forget - God is good all of the time! Talk to you again tomorrow.