
Topic: General
I've been convicted lately. I have been challenging the folks at the mission and my Compassion International kids to pray more and to read the Bible more. It's time for them to take the next step in their relationship with the Lord. Then God spoke to my heart. I've been challenging others, but where has my relationship with the Lord been? Oh, I read my Bible regularly...well maybe occasionally...and I do pray daily...that much is true...but has it been deep prayer? And could I be doing more reading? The answer is no and yes. No it hasn't been deep prayer and yes I could read more.
So, what am I going to do about it? Well, if you read about the challenge that I gave to the folks of Good News Mission, then you know what I'm going to do about the prayer. But what about the Bible reading? Well, I prayed about the 90 day challenge but just did not feel right about it. Then, I heard about a website that had all kinds of reading plans. From plans where you read through the Bible in months or even years, to theme plans, to New Testament plans, to more! There is a plan for everyone - young or old. I chose the Bible in a year plan. Please pray with me as I endeavor to honor the Lord in my daily prayer life and Bible reading.
What about you? Here's the link to YouVersion the great reading plan site that has a plan for everyone. And here's the link to the prayer challenge that I gave. Why don't you challenge yourself this year. Ask God what He wants you to do this year and let me know. Let's pray for each other as we work together to further God's kingdom.
Updated: Saturday, 1 January 2011 7:31 PM CST
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