
Topic: Ministry
I missed it! Yes, I missed my third day in eight months. I just couldn't do it. I was so tired.
Yesterday we got up and went to Sarah's brother's house to see if he could fix my laptop. If you recall, dear son #2 dropped it. Well, it looks as if it can't be fixed, but he is going to recover everything from my hard drive, put in a newly reformatted hard drive and put all of my stuff from the old hard drive on it. Hope it all works out, because right now I'm bouncing between John Allen's and Sarah's laptops and it is a pain. I want my own laptop back!
Well, after that, we got home and grandma babysat while Sarah and I went out to eat at Outback Steak House using a gift certificate that a dear friend had given us. It was delicious and the time out ALONE with my wonderful wife was very needed.
After I got home, however, I was beat. I just couldn't bring myself to writing a blog post. I know that many folks who post something everyday often pre-write many of their posts. Then they just post them on the day that they want. I have never been like that. Although, the new plan for the TOS Homeschool Crew is to post all of the reviews on one day. So, I am going to try to pre-write my reviews and schedule them to post on the day they are due. Tomorrow the first review is scheduled. I have written it and programmed it to be posted tomorrow. We'll see what happens! Check in tomorrow to find out.
Okay, without further ado. Here is the really neat review of our third day camp week. I think it's really cool. It combines two of my favorite computer programs ~ - where you can take a regular picture and do amazing things with it ~ and, - where you can take those amazing pictures and put them in a slide show. Both sites are great, and I think you'll like this tribute to the faces of Day Camp 3.
Updated: Sunday, 18 July 2010 9:53 PM CDT
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