
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
Boy do I wish I were young again! When I was young, we didn't have the internet, we didn't have computers, we didn't even have VCR's. So, we didn't have anything like Light Speed's History of the U.S. AP Exam Prep. For that matter, I don't even remember Advanced Placement (AP) classes or AP tests. If I would have know about them, I would have definitely taken advantage of these great resources.
Now, when I first found out I was getting Light Speed's History of the U.S. AP Exam Prep. I wondered who in the world I was going to give this to to try out. I really didn't think that Jacob was ready for it, Joshua wasn't quite there either and , John Allen wasn't even in High School yet let alone ready to take an AP Exam. But, since John Allen had just gotten done with U.S. History, I decided to let him give it a try. He loved it! In fact, he loved it so much, I decided to watch it myself.
This two disk set comes with a disk that explains what the U.S. History AP Exam is and includes an explanation of the different sections of the test along with ideas on taking the test. Boy would I have loved a DVD like this helping me to prepare for the SAT or ACT! The section that I really liked was a section called 30 in 30. The 30 in 30 was very entertaining. It took 30 of the major events in U.S. history and explained them in 30 minutes. Now you wouldn't think that much could be covered with that little amount of time, but if you did, you would be sadly mistaken. They cover so much in a very fun way. I learned a lot, and never got bored. They covered things like
- Manifest Destiny
- The Origin of the Two-Party System
- Slavery and the Civil War
- The Progressive Era
- World War II
- ...And much, much more
The second disc is an outline of what's on the DVD that you can use to follow along and take notes. It also has some helpful hints and suggestions listed.
Don't get me wrong. For someone who didn't listen in class or didn't study, this product is not a cure all. You won't pass just by watching this video. But, it is a great way to solidify the things that you learned in your U.S. history class and gain a lot of information on what the AP test is like and what you are expected to know when you take it. It's kind of like one of those expensive books that you buy to get you ready for a test, but much more interesting. However, get this, those boring books can run you $20 or $30 while the Light Speed's AP Exam Prep collections only cost $11.24!
Collections? Yes I said collections! So far there are also Light Speed AP Test Prep DVD's for Chemistry, English Language and Composition and U.S. Government and Politics as well as the U.S. History set. Other TOS Crew Members reviewed some of the other AP Test Prep sets and you can find out what they thought by clicking here.
Light Speed is a subsidiary of the Cerebellum Corporation. They make loads of other well done educational materials for all ages and all subjects. You can click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above to find out more about the AP Exam Prep collections or any other of the Cerebellum educational products. Of course, AP classes and exams are not just for homeschoolers. Public and private school students could really benefit from them as well. so, with that I'll say "Happy Home Educating".
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent a free copy of Light Speed's History of the U.S. AP Exam Prep DVD in order to try out and review on my blog.