
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
Pre-note - Okay folks. I realize that the emoticon is of a cigar. But remember some time back when I first used it? I thought it was a firecracker ! So that's what we're going to think of it as again!
Anyway, back to the topic. The ballots have been tabulated and the results have been posted. Here are the:
2010 Homeschool Crew Seaworthy Awards
Favorite Language Arts Product : Educational Diagnostic Prescriptive Services (EDUDPS)
Favorite History Product :Bright Ideas Press (All American History and Mystery of History)
Favorite Science Product:Nature Friend Magazine
Favorite Math Product: Math Mammoth
Favorite Online Math Product: Mathletics
Favorite Handwriting Product: Zeezok Publishing (Presidential Penmanship)
Favorite Fine Arts Product (art, music, etc.): Artistic Pursuits
Favorite Pre-school Product: Time 4 Learning
Favorite Elementary Product: Critical Thinking
Favorite Upper-Grade Product: Professor in a Box
Favorite College Prep Product: Cerebellum/Standard Diviants
Favorite Special Needs Product: Super Star Speech
Favorite Health and Beauty Product: Virginia Soaps and Scents
Favorite Christian Product: Grapevine Studies
Best Resource I Didn't Know I Needed: StudyPod
Best Homemaking Product: Sue Gregg Cookbooks
Best Customer Service: Great Software Tools
Best Online Resource: ABCteach
Best e-product: Growing Healthy Homes: Nutrition 101
Best Office and Technology Resource: Web Design for Kids (and Curious Grown-Ups)
Best Homeschool Resource:Apologia Press: The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling
Best Map Resource: Home School in the Woods
Best Book, Novel or Magazine: Sarah's Books
Best Children's Book: Children's Bible Hour: Season's of Faith Series
Best Hands-On Resource: A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks
Most Adaptable Resource: Sue Patrick Workbox System
Most Unique Resource: Lobster Network
Most Family-Oriented Product: Family Mint
Kid's Choice: Maverick Books: Hank the Cowdog Series
All Around Crew Favorite: All About Spelling (All About Reading)
Do these align with what the Tinkel household thought? Well, almost. I'm going to be posting my "Tinkel Homeschool Top 10" (if I can narrow it down to that) list later. Congratulations to all of the winners!