
Topic: Ministry
I know that some folks don't agree completely with this, but our church tries to use Halloween as an outreach. Instead of sitting in our houses with the porch lights off and ignoring what's going on outside, we try to use it as an evangelistic time.
I'm sure most of you have heard about "Trunk or Treating". Many churches do it now, and ours is no exception. We decorate our cars and sometimes we even dress up ouselves. Then,we park our cars in the church parking lot, open up our trunks and invite the kids from the community to come by to get candy.
Of course we greet them and their parents with a smile and invite them to go to the food table for popcorn and hot chocolate, but the most important thing is the car at the end of the line. The car that everyone has to pass by. It's the car with the man that makes sure that every boy and girl gets a gospel tract that tells them about Jesus.
Some will read the tract and think it's interesting, Many will throw it away without looking at it. But, there may be one or two that actually read it and trust Jesus as their Saviour because of it. Or, perhaps the seed will at least be planted for someone else to water. At any rate, if just one child or adult is led to the Lord because of that tract, then it will have all been worth it.
I don't know the final count, but this year we were expecting over 700 to go through. Below are some pictures from the fun time we had this year. Please pray with us for all of the kids that received a tract.
Our Crew With Some Friends
Our Pastor and His Wife - The Clampetts
Grandma Crayon - Another Trunk or Treat Host
My Wife, Sarah's, Creative Carvings