
Topic: General
I've been nominated for not one...but two...homeschool misfit awards! Don't think I'm crazy, I'm really honored. These awards were created a couple of years ago as an alternative to some of the big homeschool awards that are featured on some of the large homeschool blogs. There for those who don't seem to ever fit into one of the categories of these other contests. Really, all of these blogs deserve an award. They are all great! I've been nominated in two categories...
7. The Meme Forgotten Award- For those who begin a meme, mentally commit to following through weekly, and then promptly forget or manage it sporadically at best.
8. The Not Coming Soon Award- Ever write a post informing your readers of all the great upcoming posts you have in mind? Did these posts actually get written? This is the award for the blogger hanging their head sheepishly as they read this description.
There are some great prizes this year, so please vote for me. My friend, Lori, is hosting the awards this year, so just hop on over to her site at - Not So Superwoman - and vote for Families Again. Don't forget I'm in categories 7 and 8. While you're there, why don't you visit some of the other blogs. Many of them are written by some of my great blogging friends.
Thanks for your votes! I'll let you know what happens!
Updated: Friday, 21 October 2011 3:59 PM CDT
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