I Promise It's NOT X Rated... Mood: don't ask Topic: General
I had a review due today but I've been sick. I suppose I could have written it while in the prone position resting, but my mind hasn't been real clear all day and I thought better of it. I'm feeling a little better tonight so I'll give it until tomorrow morning to write it.
This review, however, isn't just any normal review...it's rated! But, don't worry, it's not X Rated, it's...
That's all I'm going to tell you though. You'll have to check back tomorrow!
How would you like to win the lottery? This family did...but not like you think! Mood: cool Topic: Compassion International
What does it take to get you excited? You've seen those commercials for Publishers Clearing House. Would winning a million dollars excite you like the people on the commercials? Well, by the reaction of the people in the following clip, you would have thought that they had won the sweepstakes and you know what? For them it was the sweepstakes. What was the thrilling news that got them to react that way? They just got the news that someone sponsored their child. In the commercials on TV the people win $10,000 or more but you can make a family in a Compassion country feel like they've won the lottery for just $38 a month.
Watch the video first. It's a little fuzzy, but you'll see enough. Then click here for more information on how you can sponsor a child and make a family feel like they've won a million bucks!
Terrific Tigers - A Really Terrific Unit Study! Mood: a-ok Topic: Homeschool Product Review
You know that from time to time I divulge secrets about myself or my past. Some are serious, but most are fun. Well, I'm about to post another secret. Are you ready? Here it is. When I was young, I wanted to be a zoo keeper! Yep! It's true. Actually it was either a zoo keeper or a forest ranger. I loved the outdoors. I still do. Oh, I'm not an adventurous one that likes to go on 25 mile hikes to see a waterfall or anything like that, but I do like to be outdoors and be around nature. I am still fascinated by God's creation. That's why I was excited when I found out that we would be reviewing the Download-N-Go unit study, Terrific Tigers.
Now, I've told you in my past Download-N-Go reviews that the author, Amanda Bennett, has done a fantastic job writing these unit studies. But, there is just too much to do in the time they say you are to do it in! She recommends a week. In fact each Download-N-Go study is divided up into five days. The problem is that if you try to do even half of what she recommends it would take you forever. Terrific Tigers is no exception. There is just so much.
There's really too much to even try to include in a review. That's why I said a few reviews ago that I was going to try to focus on on aspect of these great unit studies in each review. In this post, I'm going to focus on the "Internet Resources" section that is included at the end of each days study.
Before I do, however, let me remind you of what is included in each one of these studies. As I mentioned before, each study is divided into five days. Each day highlights one aspect of the theme. For Terrific Tigers the five days are:
Day 1: What Is a Tiger?
Day 2: Getting to Know Tigers.
Day 3: Where Are the Tigers?
Day 4: The Science of Tigers.
Day 5: Cool Things About Tigers.
And let me tell you, each day is packed with information and fun. At the beginning of each day there are great informative videos. Some of the Terrific Tiger videos included clips of tiger cubs, tigers playing with monkeys, working with tigers and even one of a tiger and a little boy. Following the opening videos, there is more fun. Amanda Bennett does a great job of intermingling information and fill in the blank pages with fun stuff like coloring pages, word searches and other types of puzzles. And, remember, her studies cover every subject - social studies, science, math, language arts...you name it, it's covered somewhere in the week. And, don't forget that there is always a book list with lots of great books that you can check out. There is also a family fun suggestion at the end of each day, along with the section that I'm going to cover in this review, the "Internet Resources" section.
I don't know why I had never paid a whole lot of attention to the "Internet Resources" section at the end of each day. Maybe it was because there were so many internet sites intermingled in the information for each day. Or, maybe because there was so much information in each day to begin with, we never had time to cover even more. But, having said that, I really like having the extra stuff for a couple of different reasons.
One, there may be a child that really develops an interest in a topic because of doing that particular unit study. This section is a great starting point to find even more websites and information that have to do with that topic.
Two, I found that the extra resources came at the topic of Tigers from a lot of angles and included things for many different age groups. So, if you want to do this unit study with your whole family and they have a wide range of ages, then all you have to do is look in the "Internet Resources" section and pull from there. Have an older child interested in tigers? No problem. Have a toddler? No problem with him either. There is something in the "Internet Resources" section for everyone.
Some of the extra things included in Terrific Tigers were:
Tiger Crafts
Tiger Puzzles
Great unusual information about tigers including information about some extinct tiger species
And, my favorite, a website that you can go to and find tiger sounds
And all of this is on top of the great information that is included in the study. Amanda Bennett's Download-N-Go studies are just too much...and I mean too much! There is just too much to do. But, as I have said before, I would rather have too much than too little. You can always do the lighter stuff when the kids are younger, then redo the same unit steady a couple of years down the road using the heavier things. Don't you wish all unit studies were like that?
Anyway, by now you may be wondering how you can get this great product. Well, all of the Download-N-Go unit studies are available from The Old Schoolhouse (TOS) magazine's store. Just click here or on any of the hi-lighted links above to get to the Terrific Tiger page. This study, like the previous ones, is only $7.95. To get a list of all of the topics in the Download-N-Go series, just click here. And, finally, to find out more about what the other Download-N-Go reviewers thought about Terrific Tigers, click here. Happy home educating!
As a member of the TOS Download-N-Go review team I was sent a free download of Terrific Tigers in order to use and review on my blog.
Do you want to win a free download of Terrific Tigers? Here's how you can do it! Just follow these steps. The drawing is going to be held on Monday, November 1st. I hope you win!
1. Leave a comment below telling me why you would like a copy of Download N Go's Terrific Tigers (worth one entry).
2. Subscribe to my blog by clicking on the subscribe button at the end of this post and then leave a comment saying that you did (worth one entry).
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6. Twitter or Facebook about this give-away and leave a comment with a link to the post(s) (worth one entry per day. Must make a separate comment each day).
7. Blog about this give-away and leave three comments saying that you did (worth 3 entries).
8. Become a fan of Download N Go by clicking on the Download N Go Facebook button in the left hand column and leave two comments saying that you did (worth 2 entries).
I Knew It! It's All My Fault! Mood: a-ok Topic: The Kids
Well, we got the results back. For those of you who may be knew, I have been blogging off and on about my three sons' health problems. We are a very unique family. All three of our children have had fairly serious life-changing things happen to them.
My oldest was stricken with a rare eye cancer at 15 months old. He is now 14 years old and cancer free, but has an artificial left eye.
My middle, 9 year old, was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome about two years ago. We had been struggling and going from doctor to doctor for years with out any satisfaction. Finally we know what it is and are learning how to handle it, but it has been a difficult journey.
That brings us to our four year old. Very early on he seemed like a normal toddler. Until about a year ago when he was stricken with a severe rash and fever while we were out of town. A quick trip to a pharmacist solved the rash and fever, but his behavior changed overnight. We have taken him to doctor after doctor and still don't have a satisfying diagnosis, but he is doing okay.
Recently we had some genetic testing done with him and found that he was missing part of his ninth chromosome. We worried and fretted until we could finally get with the geneticist to learn more. When we got there, they told us that this was very rare and they didn't have a whole lot of information on it yet. They wanted to testing on Sarah and I to see if he inherited the problem. Well, we got the results back yesterday. And it's all my fault! I am missing the same part of the ninth chromosome. It came down from my line. That still doesn't help the problem much, but at least we know that I turned out...uh hum...fairly normal, so that can't be the main problem.
So, we're still trying to find out what's going on. All the boys are in some type of therapy - either physical, occupational, or speech - and all are doing some better. We have learned some more significant things recently that I'll talk about in another post. But for now, you can blame it all on me...it's all my fault!
Halloweens of Today - Part Two of a Two Part Series Mood: cool Topic: General
Yesterday I talked about my Halloween memories from my childhood. My how times have changed. Gone are the days where you child could freely walk door to door in your neighborhood without fear. The innocent costumes of yesteryear have taken back seat to ugly, gross, expensive store bought masks and costumes. I can see why some churches condemn Halloween and have nothing to do with it.
I won't get into the debate about the history of Halloween and why some say that Christians shouldn't be celebrating this holiday. I won't take time to reiterate why Halloween costumes have become more gross than I could have ever imagined when I was young. I won't delve into what has happened to our world to make going door to door unsafe for our children. These things have been discussed into the ground.
I am of the opinion that, with a little bit of planning, Halloween can still be a safe and fun holiday that can be enjoyed by all. Here are some suggestions:
1. Don't sweat the costume. Homemade can still be great. Last year our son, Joshua, went as a ninja. We found some white pants, a white shirt, a black cloth belt and a black cloth headband and that was it. No one cared and he loved it! Jacob, our youngest decided that he didn't want to wear the army shirt that we had found, so he just wore the camouflage pants with a grey turtle neck shirt and called that was it. He was happy and so were we.
2. These days, I wouldn't suggest allowing your kids to go door to door by themselves anywhere. How about driving you kids to the homes of some of your good friends or pick a really nice neighborhood to trick or treat at. Always instruct your kids to never go into someones home unless you are right there with them and always be very visible and keep your kids in site. In a busy neighborhood it is sometimes hard to tell which witch is which. Perhaps have some tell tale sign that is unique to your child's costume so that mommy won't mistake some else's mummy for her mummy.
3. Church sponsored "Trunk or Treats" are really popular these days. That's where church members will park their cars with the trunks facing out. They open their decorated, candy filled, trunks and the kids walk through the rows of cars trick or treating and filling their bags with candy. Often the church will have inflatable jumping toys and other games to entertain your child as well.
4. Not sure about the trick or treating or dressing up part? Some churches sponsor "Fall Festivals" where you dress up like a Bible character or sometimes come as you are. Ask around. Most are open to anyone.
5. Still not convinced that Halloween is for you? Why not take your family to a corn maze. They are very popular these days. At least they are around here. Most don't have a Halloween theme at all and are a lot of fun. In fact, we just went to one today as a family and had a blast. Pictures are coming soon, but, until then, here's a picture from our adventure last year.
Even though Halloween is not the innocent holiday it used to be, it can still be a lot of fun. You just need to be creative, pick an activity that fits your family, and don't sweat it. Have fun!
“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Dad Central Consulting and they sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”