
Topic: The Kids
Well, we got the results back. For those of you who may be knew, I have been blogging off and on about my three sons' health problems. We are a very unique family. All three of our children have had fairly serious life-changing things happen to them.
My oldest was stricken with a rare eye cancer at 15 months old. He is now 14 years old and cancer free, but has an artificial left eye.
My middle, 9 year old, was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome about two years ago. We had been struggling and going from doctor to doctor for years with out any satisfaction. Finally we know what it is and are learning how to handle it, but it has been a difficult journey.
That brings us to our four year old. Very early on he seemed like a normal toddler. Until about a year ago when he was stricken with a severe rash and fever while we were out of town. A quick trip to a pharmacist solved the rash and fever, but his behavior changed overnight. We have taken him to doctor after doctor and still don't have a satisfying diagnosis, but he is doing okay.
Recently we had some genetic testing done with him and found that he was missing part of his ninth chromosome. We worried and fretted until we could finally get with the geneticist to learn more. When we got there, they told us that this was very rare and they didn't have a whole lot of information on it yet. They wanted to testing on Sarah and I to see if he inherited the problem. Well, we got the results back yesterday. And it's all my fault! I am missing the same part of the ninth chromosome. It came down from my line. That still doesn't help the problem much, but at least we know that I turned out...uh hum...fairly normal, so that can't be the main problem.
So, we're still trying to find out what's going on. All the boys are in some type of therapy - either physical, occupational, or speech - and all are doing some better. We have learned some more significant things recently that I'll talk about in another post. But for now, you can blame it all on's all my fault!
Updated: Sunday, 24 October 2010 10:58 PM CDT
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