
Topic: BCM International
Just received another email from Marty Windle, BCM (Bible Centered Ministry) International's President, regarding BCM's Haiti recovery effort. Here it is in full:
Greetings from the President’s Desk.
Several of you have been praying for the Haiti situation. Our missionary Tommy Gambrill has safely returned. We are currently reviewing our findings, and will be deciding the best course of action and strategy in the next short while. We have been able to connect with several local churches and pastors, as well as the director of the Seminary in Port au Prince. Our efforts will most likely focus on helping the local church as they rebuild in the coming days.
I will keep you updated as to our plans, and hopefully will have some pictures for you in the near future.
Marty Windle
BCM President
Thanks for all that you have done so far in assisting BCM International in this endeavor. Your prayers and contributions have been greatly appreciated. If you would like to contribute to BCM's Haiti relief fund or would like further information on BCM, please click on the BCM Haiti relief banner at the top of this post and it will take you to their website.