
Topic: BCM International
Good morning from the president’s desk.
As you know by now, Haiti is in the aftermath of one of the worst earthquakes recorded in the Western hemisphere in recent history. Reports of as many as 100,000 dead, many more hurt, and countless homeless continue demonstrating the great need there.
BCM missionary Tommy Gambrill , whose ministry is BCM Disaster relief, traveled to the Dominican Republic where he met with our missionary Bolivar Cuevas. Together they developed the trip into neighboring Haiti, and Thursday afternoon Tommy and a team of four left Santo Domingo and entered Haiti. The latest report is that things are going well in the relief efforts in Port au Prince where they have been working together with our Haitian contacts, doctors, and pastors. Tommy and the team will return to the DR after 10 days, and then Tommy will return to the States. Upon his return, we will have up to date information and be able to decide how BCM can best partner with the local church in this disaster recovery.
Many of you have been praying for Haiti. Others have been participating in giving toward this need. BCM has already sent in some relief, and will be coordinating further actions together with sister organizations, our DR brethren, and Haitian local churches. For those of you that have been asking, we are receiving donations through the BCM website and local BCM offices, and coordinating these funds from the offices here.
I would encourage you to donate through BCM or through Compassion International if you haven't already. Both of them are reputable organizations that you can be assured will use all of the money donated for Haite relief. Just click on the names links above to go to there donation pages. If you wish to donate through BCM International, click on the large Haiti banner at the top of the page and it will take you to the Haiti donation page. On the Compassion page, click on the Haiti Relief Effort Donate Now button half way down the page.