
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
This year on the TOS Homeschool Crew has been amazing. It has not only introduced me to many homeschool products that I have heard of but never tried, but it has also informed me of many, many things that I never knew about. Kinderbach is one of those products.
You can probably figure out how Kinderbach's name came to be. Bach is the name of a famous composer, and the program is geared toward ages 3-7 ~ right before, during and after Kindergarten. Some people may think that the name is a bit deceiving to suggest that a kindergartner could actually play a keyboard like Bach. I'm here to tell you, however, that if you follow the Kinderbach program, your child will be well on his way to playing like Bach!
Remember, I was a music major in high school and college, and can play close to a dozen different instruments (unfortunately none quite so well anymore ). I began teaching myself to play the piano at around five years of age. I have been through or seen tons of methods and curricula over the years. I have never, however, seen anything like Kinderbach. Boy would I have loved to have this when I was younger.
You can either buy the DVD's or subscribe online to the lessons. As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I was given a free three month subscription to try out and review on my blog. Even though the age suggestion is for 3-7 year olds, I chose to try it with my 9 year old son Joshua. I thought that since he has asperger's syndrome, it may be a good fit. I was not disappointed.
Miss Karri is the host for the easy 5-10 min. lessons. She has a cast of characters ranging from a boy named Frisco, to Dodi the Donkey and Mr. Bach himself. The lesson's are designed to be done one a day, but you could easily do two or more per day. What I really liked about the lessons is that Miss Karri talked to the kids on their level, not over their heads. There character's were simple animated characters, nothing fancy, but enough to creatively add to the lessons and help keep the kid's attention. The lessons aren't just sit and watch lessons. There are plenty of opportunities to touch the keyboard or piano, but you may also find yourself clapping or moving about to reinforce the music theory lesson that is being taught. For hands on learners they also have worksheet pages that you print out to go with the lesson. When you aren't moving about or touching the keyboard, you may be coloring in the worksheet as you are watching the lesson. There is nothing that Kinderbach left out. Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, hands on ~ no learner will be disappointed. All learning styles are included. Joshua loved the fact that one minute he might be moving about, and the next minute he may be doing something in a workbook page. Everything is included in the subscription or CD purchase. Did you miss something or not understand some aspect? Watch the lesson again. Dog eat your workbook page? Print another (PDF).
Kinderbach is divided into six levels with 10 weeks of lessons in each level. There are four lessons a week, so you can work it around your schedule easily. It is perfect for those who want to introduce their children to music at a young age, or to supplement a schools music program. In fact, if any of you are classroom teachers or administrators, Kinderbach has a series for classroom instruction as well!
There are two ways to purchase. As I mentioned, you can subscribe for $95.88 a year (averages to $7.99 a month) or for $19.99 a month. The prices are comparable to 30 years ago when I took piano lessons at $5.00 a lesson. I can only imagine what the cost of private lessons would be now. And, it doesn't matter how many children you have. If you have 5 kids, it's the same price! If you would rather buy the CD's they start at $40.55 for one level of lessons. They also have discount packages for multiple levels.
Still not sure? If you go to their webpage and sign up for their newsletter, Kinderbach gives you the first two weeks free to try out. Or you can get a day pass for $5.95. Or, if you want to take the plunge and purchase now, they have a 30 day money back guarantee. Trust me, however, you won't ask for your money back. To find out more about Kinderbach, just click here or on any of the hi-lighted links above. Click here to find out what the other TOS Homeschool Crew members have to say about Kinderbach. Happy home educating!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I was given a free three month subscription to Kinderbach's online music program try out and review on my blog.
Updated: Monday, 8 February 2010 11:14 PM CST
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