
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
First of all, don't ask me what a nine year old is doing up at 11 pm. Just trust me on this, that's all part of having an asperger's child!
Second of all, it was Joshua's fault that I missed my deadline on this review! Here's the story:
My usual prep. work for writing a review involves going over my notes (if I've remembered to write any) and looking over the materials and website. In this case, since it is an online program that I was reviewing, I was looking at the materials on the FactsFirst website. In fact, I was pretending to be a student and playing some of the great math games. In walks Joshua, wondering what was going on. When he saw that I was playing the math games on FactsFirst, he said, "Oh, Dad, can I play? Can you get me on my guy? You know the one with the tennis racket? Please?" Now what Dad is going to deny his child doing math work when he actually BEGS to do it? NOT ME! So in my usual investigative way, I got his character on and watched him play. All a part of my review writing prep., mind you. I wasn't having fun watching him play. Not me! Finally after reviewing the addition facts that he had been working on and playing the reward game, I told him that he had to relinquish the laptop so that I could write my review. LATE! And it was all his fault!
I remember when the TOS Homeschool Crew got word that we were going to review FactsFirst from Saxon Math. You could almost here the collective groan amongst the crew..."Another math program. We have already reviewed so many of them. And this will be the fourth one that we are working with at the same time!" You can include me in those ranks. It's not that I don't like math. I love it. It's not that I heard bad things about Saxon's FactsFirst. On the contrary, I only hear good things about Saxon. It's just that I had no idea how I was going to work all of the math stuff in. Oh ye of little faith. As usual I forgot that the Lord always provides a way, even if it is just reviewing several math things at once. And, of course, it has been easy reviewing all of the things and, as you can see from the above story, Saxon's FactsFirst, was no problem at all to fit in.
FactsFirst is just as it says. A way to review the basic facts so that they become automatic. We all know that unless a child has basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division down pat then all other areas of math will be hindered. Saxon created this program to make it fun to review those basic facts. And, make no mistake, that's all that this program does. It doesn't go in to decimals. There are no fractions, nor is there any hint of algebra. It is basic facts.
The first thing you do when you log in to FactsFirst is create your character. This isn't just a three choice type thing, you completely create your character. Down to the skin tone, hair color, eye color, clothes, and accessories. And they give dozens of choices for each! Here is the character that Joshua created.

After you are done creating your character, you choose what facts you want to work on. I chose addition for Joshua, and multiplication for John Allen. They begin with very easy problems. With Joshua, it was just 0 plus a number. With John Allen it was 0 x ? = . This obviously is a confidence booster for a child that knows his basic facts but just needs practice. But, if you don't know the facts, then they explain them in a fun lesson. What I really liked about these lessons is that they are practical. There is no, just teaching your child what 2+1 is. They have a scenario that they work with. For easy multiplication, your character goes to the carnival. They explain that for each game that is played, you get a ticket worth 2 points toward a prize. They ask that if you have one ticket, how many points is that and then go on to explain how they figured it out. All instructions are given in writing on the screen, with a voice that you can either turn on or off that reads the instructions and explanations to you. Other scenarios take place at other locations such as a store:
The student then goes into a series of sets of problems. They are encouraged to answer the questions as quickly as possible. If they answer quickly and correctly, they get a check +. If they get the problem correct, but it takes a while to answer, they only get a check. If they get the problem incorrect, a screen with the correct answer and the voice will tell you what you did wrong. After you have done a certain amount of problem sets, the program will stop and show you what progress that you have made thus far in a neat little chart:
Now, here comes the fun part. After the screen with your chart comes up, you are given 5 minutes to play one of their fun games. Tonight Joshua chose the miniature golf game where you have to answer a math question before you can putt the ball. Other days they have chosen matching games, games where you can change the look of your character, math jong games and, my favorite, throwing a water balloon at the correct answer to a math question:
After the game is played, they have the option of continuing on with another lesson, or quitting until another time. Parents can log in at any time and check the progress of each of their students on a separate page. Here is a copy of John Allen's recent progress page.
As you can see, at the bottom there is the option to increase the time allowed to get the check + or for the child to be untimed. That makes it easy for a parent to change if a child is having difficulty.
Now, I know that I say this with a lot of products, but I really like this program. The above testimonial about Joshua asking to play is one thing that really sold me on this product. It is excellent as a supplement for a student who is just learning his facts ~ like Joshua, or for a student who needs to review his facts ~ such as John Allen. It is very inexpensive as well . A one year family (1-4 students) subscription is only $49.99. To go to the FactFirst website, just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. As usual, many other TOS Homeschool Crew Members reviewed this as well, and you can find links to their reviews by clicking here. Once again, since this is a product excellent for homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike, I will say "Happy Home Educating"!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I was given a free 90 day subscription to Saxon's FactsFirst online math program in order to try out and review on my blog.
Updated: Friday, 5 February 2010 11:42 AM CST
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