
Topic: Family
Book wise that is! Well, as I said yesterday, this family is an avid reading family. Sometimes there are some members of the family that are actually reading more than one book at a time. I, for one, am reading three books right now and my dear oldest child is reading three as well. Okay, here goes. I'm not going to list school textbooks, nor am I going to list books that I have picked up, read a chapter or two, and then put back down only to pick it up again in a few months. If I listed all of those books, my list could get up into the dozens! These are only books that we are actively reading right now.
Tim's List
Martin Luther - by Basil Miller - Last year was the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation and I have for some time wanted to learn more about the founders of the Protestant faith. I found this short biography among the library of books that I inherited from my dad. I loved it. It is one of those books that I have picked up and put down off and on for quite a few months, but I am now actively reading it and am almost done.
Glenn Beck's Common Sense - by Glenn Beck - There is an old saying that says that you can learn a lot about a person by looking at what he reads. Well, this book probably tells you a lot about my political leanings. This is a great book, however, and I would really encourage you all to pick up a copy and read it.
1776 - by David McCullough - I will always be thankful for my parents ~ Dad especially ~ for instilling in me a love for history. I don't remember him reading a lot of historical novels, although he was an avid reader, but we always went to historical places for vacations. That and the fact that I was an impressionable young teen during the Bicentennial, lead to my my love of history. I have been salivating about this book for years, but never could justify the cost whenever I saw it at a bookstore. Finally, about a week ago, I found it at a used book store in great condition for only four dollars! So, guess what? I am actively reading it as well.
John Allen's List
The Cat of Bubastis - by G. A. Henty - Okay, this is a book for school, but it isn't a textbook and John Allen is loving it! We are studying world history this year, and we are past ancient Egypt, but this one is a hold over.
The Bronze Bow - by Elizabeth George Speare - John Allen and I both fell in love with Elizabeth George Speare's books while we were studying United States history. The Sign of the Beaver and The Witch of Blackbird Pond remain on John Allen's top 25 list of all time favorite books (maybe even the top 10). When this book arrived in the mail and he saw who the author was, he picked it up right away to begin reading it. I was reluctant at first, since we aren't quite to that time period yet, but I couldn't resist. And, yes, he is loving it just as much as the rest. Fantastic book!
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Ugly Truth - by Jeff Kinney - We have been blessed for the past few years to be given a large amount of books from a librarian friend of ours to be divvied out among our three boys as Christmas gifts. Some books that we have gotten are books that we wouldn't normally buy, not because they are bad, but because we have to watch our book budget. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series of books would fall in to that category. But, lo and behold, what should we receive a couple of years ago but book number one. John Allen picked it up and, I think, read it in on day. Thankfully, Grandma, has bought the rest of the series for him as they have come out. This is book number five and was just released last week. John Allen just got it today, and, who knows, he may have it finished already.
Don't ask me what Sarah is reading at the moment. She, like me, often has two or three books going at once. Joshua and I are studying Benjamin Franklin right now, and have been reading up on him, and, of course, Joshua likes anything football. Jacob's selection of bedtime (or any time) reading material lately has been Frank Asch Mooncake and Moongame books featuring Moonbear.
So, there you have my families reading lists of late. How about you? What are you all reading. Leave a comment and share with us. Maybe you'll have a book that others will want to read as well. Happy reading!
Updated: Sunday, 14 November 2010 11:04 PM CST
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