Topic: General
I am really trying to not focus on politics on my blog, and this is not meant to be political. However, one of my pet peeves is how our nation's history is being rewritten by liberal revisionists and this article on the first inauguration fits in with that theme. I received it in an email from Wallbuilders. Wallbuilders is an organization who's goal is to remember "America's Religious Heritage". Again, it is rather lengthy, so I will start it off and then leave the link if you are interested and want to finish it.
America's Religious Heritage
As Demonstrated in Presidential Inaugurations
Religious activities at presidential inaugurations have become the target of criticism in recent years, 1 with legal challenges being filed to halt activities as simple as inaugural prayers and the use of "so help me God" in the presidential oath. 2 These critics - evidently based on a deficient education - wrongly believe that the official governmental arena is to be aggressively secular and religion-free. The history of inaugurations provides some of the most authoritative proof of the fallacy of these modern arguments.
In fact, since America's first inauguration in 1789 included seven distinct religious activities, that original inauguration is worthy of review. Every inauguration since 1789 has included numerous of those activities.
The First Inauguration
Constitutional experts abounded at America's first inauguration. Not only was the first inauguree (George Washington) a signer of the Constitution but numerous drafters of the Constitution were serving in the Congress that organized and directed that first inauguration. In fact, just under one fourth of the members of the first Congress had been delegates to the Convention that wrote the Constitution. 3 Furthermore, the identical Congress that directed and oversaw these inaugural activities also penned the First Amendment. Having therefore produced both the Constitution and all of its clauses on religion, they clearly knew what types of religious activities were and were not constitutional. Clearly, then, the religious activities that occurred at the first inauguration may well be said to have the approval and imprimatur of the greatest collection of constitutional experts America has ever known. Therefore, a review of the religious activities acceptable in that first inauguration will provide guidance for citizens in general and critics in particular
To finish this article, or to find our more about Wallbuilders, click on this link.
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Updated: Thursday, 22 January 2009 12:25 AM CST
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