Topic: Family
I posted this on Facebook, but knew that some of you don't do Facebook so wanted to post it here as well.
John Allen picked at a mole on his face about a week ago and it has progressively gotten worse.We took him to the doctor yesterday and he prescribed some antibiotics, but there was a problem with the insurance and we weren't able to pick them up until today. He finally got started on the antibiotics antibiotics but it looks worse, so Sarah took him to the emergency room this evening. It was staph and needed to be lanced and drained. John Allen was nervous - he is a chicken like his dad :-), but made it through like a trouper and should be home soon.. According to Sarah it looked pretty bad. They took a culture to make sure that this antibiotic would work with that type of infection. Please pray that it will and that his cheek will heal without a problem.
I'll take pictures of the poor injured lad and post them later. I'll keep you all updated. Again, thanks for all of your prayers.
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