
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
I get aggravated during the Holiday season. It has become so commercialized. Everyone is out to make a buck and take advantage of the season. All messages have to be "politically correct". It seems like the true meaning of the holidays has been lost and therefore no one really celebrates these special days the way that they are supposed to be celebrated.
Perhaps this post is kind of like that. By the title, you would think that I'm trying to push a product on you and am taking advantage of the Thanksgiving theme. Maybe I am a little, but I am also going to be truthful in this post. I really am thankful for this website.
When I think of "Thankfulness", I think of big things and little things. I think of family and health and provisions, but I also try to be thankful for little things as well. This would probably fall in to that category.
So, why am I thankful for KBTeachers?
I'm thankful that this great website has a lot of things that I need for my oldest child John Allen. We are studying World History this year and I didn't have the money to buy a whole curriculum and so I'm having to find materials on my own. One of the first things that I noticed on this fantastic resource was the social studies section. I was thankful as soon as I clicked on the topic and saw all that was included. It has everything that I need to plan out my year in one place. There are items that cover every time period and they are in John Allen's grade range! Now, granted, it's not a complete curriculum, but it makes my life a lot easier.

I'm also thankful for the great pre-school worksheets that I found for Jacob. Jacob can't write his letters or numbers yet, but I found some great activities that he will really enjoy. He'll love learning how to count the airplanes, boats and cars on the worksheets that I printed out for him. These worksheets are really neat because you just click a button and the website will generate a new worksheet with different numbers. Maybe next time I'll have him count farm animals, or maybe fruits, or can choose almost anything to make these great worksheets. I know! I'll use one of the holiday themed ones (see sample above). Later, when he is ready to learn to print, they have a great alphabet worksheet maker that I can customize using four different fonts and specialize depending on his level and abilities. And, even later, they have math worksheets for any math concept that I can print out.
I am thankful that I found some great craft ideas for Joshua on KBTeachers. He is a very hands on learner and these will be great. And they have crafts for all ages, so I can keep using them through the years! I'm thankful for the telling time activities that I can print out. I'm planning on making a file folder game with some of them. I'll laminate the blank clocks (see above). Then I can use a dry erase marker to write what time I want him to display on the clock. At first they'll be easy "on the hour" times, then I'll move on until I can put "to the minute" times. Thank you KBTeachers! They also have a maze generator and Joshua loves mazes! Again, you can specialize the maze with pictures of almost anything.
Wow! I just noticed the holiday invitations that you can specialize to your own needs and then print. And look at the stickers that you can print out ~ they would be great to send to my Compassion International kids. Oh, and I've got to check out the science and biology section a little more to see what they have. I've been thinking about doing a little more grammar with Joshua...I need to look again at that section. And...oh my...I never noticed that before...I'd better stop before I bust!
Yes, I know that I used the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday as a theme for this review, but I really am thankful for KBTeachers. I am so glad that I got to review this website. It has a lot of free materials that anyone can use. Some of the things that I mentioned above were free, but the premium area is fantastic and is only $29 for a year or $49 for two years! There are literally thousands and thousands of worksheets and other things that you can generate from this great site. Don't take my word for it though. KBTeachers allows you to try out their site for 30 days before you join and then, after you join, you have 30 days to cancel for a full refund. You can click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above to get to KBTeachers site. And, of course, you can click here to see what the other TOS Homeschool Crew reviewers had to say about KBTeachers. Now, this site is also great for non-homeschoolers that might just want some extra help for their kids so instead of saying "Happy Homeschooling" I'll close by saying "Happy Home Educating".
One small caveat that I feel that I must mention is that KBTeachers is a secular site. Although this doesn't affect 95% of their material, you will find some evolution in there science section. Still, all in all, I feel that this site is well worth it.
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was given a free membership to KBTeachers in order to try out and review on my blog.
Updated: Friday, 19 November 2010 9:38 PM CST
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