
Topic: General
A few months ago I blogged about my two oldest sons shooting on a competitive BB gun team. I received a message from an old high school friend who seemed incredulous that I would allow my children to even touch a squirt gun let alone an actual working fire arm. After reading that, it was my turn to be incredulous.
It is not a dishonor to own a gun, nor is it a dishonor to serve in our military. My friend can seem surprised if she wants, but I will not deny my child the opportunity to dress up like a soldier like he wanted to do two Halloweens ago.
I will not prohibit my boys from playing "army" if they want to outside. And I will teach them to shoot, own and handle a firearm safely.
It would be an honor if one of them chose to serve our country in the military to keep our great country safe. Although I would rather live in peace, I respect and and very thankful for the men and women - many of them my relatives - who have fought to protect the freedoms that we cherish in the United States of America.
And so with that, I want to say once again:

Updated: Thursday, 11 November 2010 10:49 PM CST
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