
Topic: Ministry
You know, sometimes people think of doing big things when they think of being a missionary. They imagine going deep into a jungle and winning a savage tribe to the Lord. Or, moving to a third world country and working with street children or the homeless. Maybe you think of going to a more modern country but a country that is steeped in false religions. You might have to learn a new language and leave your friends and families for years at a time.
All those things could happen, but more often they don't. Many times it's not great things that happen, but little things. There are times when God does a miracle and many are led to Christ quickly, but often it is the little everyday things that you do that show God to the unsaved.
Really that's the way of all ministry. Often you don't see any results, but you keep plugging away and showing Christ in the small things that you do. Today was one of those days. One of the ladies that Sarah is discipling invited us to her boyfriends birthday party. She asked Sarah to help her bake a couple of special cakes and prepare for the festivities. The following is the result of her efforts.
Can you tell that those are golf clubs in a golf bag?
And this is a golf club hitting a ball that says 46 on it.
Sarah did a really good job. Harley didn't expect it at all.
She then asked if I would make a certificate for him because she was giving him money to buy a hunting and fishing license for his birthday. Since I have been using the Graphics Toolbox program in order to review on the TOS Homeschool Crew, I jumped at the chance to make it for her. This is what it looked like.
The big hunting and fishing license that he wanted was one that included all of the animals that you can hunt in TN - deer, turkey, grouse, etc. Can you tell that I like Graphics Toolbox?
Anyway, pray for this whole family. Sarah especially has been a friend, adviser and counselor to them, and we are hoping that the little things is what will lead the unsaved members to the Lord.
Really it's the little things that count anyway in life. It's the day to day sometimes mundane things that people see. Remember, just because you don't go to the jungle or to some foreign country does not mean that you aren't a missionary. You can be a missionary to your neighbors just by being an example and a blessing to them every day.