
Topic: General
Why am I in shock? As most of you know, I am a member of The Blog Frog. I've blogged about that before, but for those of you who are clueless, it's a large community that bloggers can join to discuss and promote your blog. A few weeks ago someone posted a question about Valentine's Day gifts that women had gotten that they liked. I posted about a few things that I had gotten in the past for Sarah. Lo and behold, the person asking the question was McMama's husband. McMama is a tremendous blogger who has a very large following. He took one of my suggestions for a gift for McMama this year and she wrote a post about it ~ complete with a link to my site. Imagine my surprise when I checked my blog after the Olympics this evening and noticed I had gotten over 275 hits just within the last couple of hours ! That's a drop in the bucket for McMama, but I usually don't get that many in a week let alone a couple of hours! Here is a link to McMama's site ~ . Thanks McMama for mentioning me, and have a great Valentine's Day!