Topic: Family
These pictures were taken during a recent three day "field trip" we took to "the grandma's house" (grandma and great grandma-both widows).
Mayfield Dairy's Corn Maze
Hay ride and Pumpkin Patch
The Race Is On!
Jacob's Not So Sure One Tired Grandma
Mom Got Into the Act We Had "Sand Mountain" All to Ourselves
Trunk or Treat at Aunt Phene's Church
"Ninjas Don't Smile You Know" No Words Needed
Michael Jackson (aka Aunt Phene) The Mummy (aka cousin Olivia)
Cade's Cove in the Beautiful Great Smoky Mountains National Park
God's Creation
Joshua was fascinated with the old, historical graves. He took the above pictures himself. Could we have a budding photographer in the house?
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Updated: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 3:28 PM CST
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