Home Makeover - Good News Mission Edition
Topic: Ministry
So, Ok, it wasn't really Home Makeover from TV. But it was just as good! Last spring I was contacted by a church from GA who was looking for a mission project to get involved with. Our regional director, Ken Grubb, told them about us and we got into contact with each other. Six months later they were here! Because of sickness and some financial difficulties with a few families, only three men ended up coming. Our three great volunteers were, Tim Remaley, their fearless leader, who runs a men's drug and alcohol rehab center; Richard, one of the men who went through the rehab program and has an awsome testimony; and, Brother Don, who plays a mean guitar and is the pastor of their church. Originally they were just going to come and paint the mission, but they ended up painting our whole house as well! They were helped by Good News Mission's treasurer and husband, Virginia and Royce Harris. I tried to help, but probably ended up being more of a nuisance than I'm worth. Sarah and her ladies cooked and cleaned and made sure everyone had what they needed. Wednesday night, their last night here, Tim, who learned to cook in Europe, cooked an awesome meal for all of the people who come to the mission. Pastor Don played his guitar and led in music, and Richard gave his testimony. It was a fantastic ending to a fantastic week. Check out the following pictures.

The front of the mission without trim painted. Our house sure needed painting!

Tim and pastor cooking. Virginia with Miss Marie.

Richard's awesome testimony. The "Strolling Musician".

Richard and Pastor with Sarah and some of her ladies. Richard, Royce, Tim and Pastor Don.
Thank you, Lord, for Tim, Richard and Pastor Don travelling all of this way to help us out. Please bless them in their ministries and lives and bring them back to us again next year. Thank you, also, Lord, for our friends Royce and Virginia. Please bless them as they continue to volunteer and help us during the year. Thank you for this ministry that you have given us to do. Bless the folks that we work with. Amen
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