Topic: General
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I've made the finals of the Homeschool Blog Awards!.This blog is one of the seven blogs that you can vote for in the "Best Homeschool Dad Blog" category. I would love to have your vote. You can find the "Best Homeschool Dad Blog" category by clicking here. If you click on the name of the blog, you will be led to that blog. If you click on the box, then you are casting your vote for that blog. The judges ask that you vote only once, but up to 5 people can vote per household, so ask your friends and family to vote as well. Don't forget, the name of my blog is Families Again! You can vote up until November 21st. To see the rules and the rest of the categories, just click here. Thank you ahead of time for your votes. I'll keep you posted as to how I do.
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