
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
Now, I don't know about you, but when one of my kids says something like "This is really cool" to me, I stand up and take notice.
Especially if it is something educational!
ESPECIALLY if it is my teenage son saying this about something educational!
That's what my teen son, John Allen, said about Aletheia Writing Magazine, a new quarterly Christian magazine that features the artwork and writing of teenagers. Aletheia (pronounced - Ah-LAY-thei-uh) is so new that it has only published three editions so far. Some members of the TOS Homeschool Crew received the fall edition and we were also given the code to read the summer edition online as well. Also, the premier, spring edition is available for all to sample on the Aletheia website. So, we got to look at all three!
I must say that I am very impressed with this magazine. Each copy is chock full of poems, short stories, artwork, photography and even book reviews - John Allen really liked the book reviews! All written by teen-agers. I really like the fact that Aletheia is a magazine where a Christian teen can write about their beliefs.
Don't get me wrong, however. Writings sent in by contributors don't have to be syrupy Christian writing. In fact, the publishers don't want sentimentalism, apologetics or preachiness in the things that they publish. But, stories and poems sent in have to "convey a message of hope".; After all, they say, "This is what differentiates Christians from the rest of the world- they have hope."
And, that is exactly what I saw. Messages of hope that were done very well. This is no classroom newspaper where everyone has something published whether it's good or not. Everything about this magazine is well done - from the poems to the photography to the pictures done for the stories to the stories themselves. And, as I said, it's all done by teens.
Pictures and stories...that may make someones heart beat a little quickly. It would mine. After all, if I had to have pictures for stories I'd be doomed. I can't draw and I don't know anyone that has the time to illustrate a story for me. Well, with Aletheia, you don't have to be a good illustrator to submit a story, and you don't have to have a story to submit drawings. They will match up good drawings that have been sent in with submitted stories and poems. If you're the type of artist that they think would match up well with a story, they may even contact you to completely illustrate that story!
And, don't forget the photography. They have two categories for budding picture takers. They have a fun contest called "Photo Write". A black and white photograph is printed (taken by a teen of course) and readers are challenged to write a poem about the picture. There is also a ""Glory to God for the Beauty of Nature", feature where you can submit a colored photograph.
Has your teen read good book lately? Why don't they write a book review and send it in? Who knows? Their review may be published. That was one of John Allen's favorite parts. Remember, I mentioned a few months ago that he was asked to be a teen book reviewer for a company? Well, that hasn't come to fruition yet because of his computer problems. But, the book review section in Aletheia has inspired him once again. He's going to send in a book review. I'll let you know what happens.
Here's a few other things that John Allen said about this great magazine:
- "The artwork is amazing."
- "The poetry is really cool."
- "I like that it is a Christian based magazine where kids can send there stories, art and poetry and actually have it published."
If you want to know more about how to submit something to Aletheia, just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. Don't think that you have to be a creative writer, artist or photographer to enjoy this, though. It's one of those magazine that is just plain fun to read. And, although it is published for teens and everything in it is done by teens (have I mentioned that before?), adults would enjoy it as well. Aletheia is very reasonably priced at $26 a year (prices include shipping and handling). Let me know if any of your kids are published and wish them "Happy Writing" for me!
As usual, a bunch of the TOS Homeschool Crew members reviewed this product and you can find out what they had to say by clicking here.
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent two free copies (one physical and one online) of Aletheia magazine to use with my teen and give my honest review on my blog.
Updated: Thursday, 29 September 2011 9:44 PM CDT
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