
Topic: Family Product Review
What would you do if:
- You had a 14 year old that is getting on the internet, downloading things, even learning to program. Dad and Mom have been keeping tabs on him and so far he has been more than above board and honest, but you can't look over his shoulder 24/7 and you want him to be safe from the bad things on the internet.
- You had a 9 year old who is just learning how to search for cheat codes on the internet and loves to play online games. He doesn't really get on anything bad, but is he really safe?
- You had a 4 year old who loves to immitate his brothers and can play a video game with the best of him. He doesn't even know how to get on the internet, but what if he learns from his brothers?
These are real concerns that Sarah and I have about our boys. The three scenarios above are true. However, I'm sure that every parent has similar worries. So? What do we do? How do we make sure that our kids are really safe?
Enter the PG Key! So, what is this nifty little thing pictured above that looks almost like one of those memory sticks? Well I can just tell you what it claims to be able to do and go from there. We had some mailing issues where our first package somehow went to the wrong address, and, when we finally got our PG Key, our computers went down. I am not allowed to download anything or install anything on this borrowed computer so I can only tell you what it's supposed to do then write a follow up article when we try it out on one of our fixed computers. Which hopefully will get fixed very soon!
I hate to copy and paste from a website, but that is exactly what I am going to do since I really have no experience with the PG Key so far. Here is what the website says:
PG Key Program Features & Functions:
• Simple, easy to use solution that any parent can use- Just plug it into the family or child's PC and immediately create a safer, supervised, kid friendly environment.
• A total solution that gives parents everything they need to follow the advice from experts.
• No annual fees required.
• Website blocking, filtering, access and time control, notifications – 10 essential parental controls are activated.
• Designed and endorsed by experts from law enforcement, education and children’s and family psychology.
• Works with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7
Now, let me tell you why I am super excited about this. I like the idea that it is easy to install, has no way of over riding it (I've heard of some really smart children that can do that) and that it has time control so that I can control the time my kids are on the computer. Those are all very appealing to me. But, as I said before, I'll have to wait a couple weeks before I can really try it myself. When I do, however, you all will be the first to know what I really think.
So how much is this nifty little thing? How about just $49.99 plus shipping? And, there are no monthly or yearly fees, that's it - Just $49.99. Still not convinced? The website says that there is a free trial available. Just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above to get to it. Okay, now for the kicker. Even though I haven't used it yet, there are loads of other TOS Homeschool Crew reviewers who did. To get to their reviews just click here. Happy Home Educating and look for my full review soon!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent a free PG Key in order to use and review on my blog.
Updated: Thursday, 28 October 2010 11:54 PM CDT
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