
Topic: Family
I should have known this was going to happen. When you're in ministry it often does. It happens to Christians all of the time.
We're under some heavy spiritual warfare right now. It was just our ministry, but now others are being used by Satan to attack our family.
It's really just one family that is attacking us, but they are making life miserable right now and I'm angry.
I know in Ephesians 6 it talks about putting on the full armor of God and says that our battle is not against flesh and blood. But it is hard not to be angry at this one couple.
I know that God has us in the palm of His hand and nothing can happen to us unless He allows it, but it still hurts and I still wonder why.
I know that many people are praying for us (and I sincerely hope that you will join them), but I still get anxious. And, I know that God says to be anxious for nothing. But it is hard...especially when it comes to your family.
I know the verses in James 1 that talks about God refining us through the problems that we have. But refining hurts and it isn't fun.
I know that people say that whenever Satan is attacking you that you should be ready for great things to happen. But it's hard to wait for the good when you are going through the bad.
I know that I am using too many BUTS, and should be praying, reading scripture, and waiting on Him. As our pastor says, we should let "Daddy" take care of everything. It's hard, though, when your 14 year old physically cries because of what the family is going through.
The father in me wants to go beat some sense in to people because of what they are doing to my family. But I know that's not right.
The human in me sometimes wants to give up. But I know that I can't give Satan the victory.
The carnal side of me wants to cry out to God and ask Him why! Why are you putting my family through this? Aren't we going through enough already with our children's health? Isn't it enough that my 87 year old mother is very ill in the hospital? Why are you putting us through this when all we are trying to do is do your work? I want to scream "Why us?" but the answer I get is, "Why not you?".
Oh, I know God will see us through this. I know that Satan is filling me with discouragement and anxiety and lies. And, I know that great things are going to happen at Good News Mission. In fact, it's already begun. Great things are happening in our personal lives as well.
I know this is just a season we are going through. Just writing this all down and knowing that all of my faithful friends are going to be praying for us has helped.
Please do pray for us. Pray for us particular tomorrow morning, October 4, if you read this in time. If you don't get this in time, please pray for how we should pursue this matter.
Pray especially for ones that Satan is using to attack us. It's a girl in her early 20's and her live in boyfriend. I won't get into details. Just pray.
Thanks for your prayers, and thanks for reading this post. I want you to know, faithful friends and readers, that you all are greatly appreciated and loved.
Updated: Sunday, 3 October 2010 10:46 PM CDT
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