
Topic: Blog Carnivals!
Actually, it's a movie at the carnival. Or is it a carnival at the movies? Oh, all right! It's a carnival. But I'm still going to be in it. It's called The Homeschool Showcase. The Homeschool Showcase is run by Kris, a fellow TOS Homeschool Crew member. I've submitted a post and it, along with a lot of other great posts, will be featured on Monday. Just click on the above clapboard to be taken straight to it.
Oh, and by the way, Kris' blog, Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers, has been nominated for a couple of Homeschool Blog Awards also. To find out which ones, just click on her blog and she has them listed in the right column at the top. And, if you haven't voted for me yet, just click here and it will take you straight to the voting page. Kris and I would love to have your vote!
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Updated: Saturday, 14 November 2009 8:28 PM CST
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