Topic: The Kids
Many of you know our middle son, Joshua, and are familiar with his disabilities. He has been diagnosed with many things and has recently completed testing for Asperger's Syndrome which is in the autism spectrum. His problems cause many challenges, one of which is learning. Reading, writing, fine motor, it doesn't matter what, Joshua is challenged by it. We are constantly looking for new ways to teach him and to keep his interest. Recently I came across ClickN' Read Phonics. I liked what I saw, but, as you know, the proof is in the pudding. So, I called Joshua in to try out the sample lesson. Now, mind you, this was after his night meds, and right after I had sent him to bed, but the minute Joshua started with the lesson, he was enthralled. Although we had already covered many of the same things, we could never make it all "stick". With ClickN' Read Phonics' review methods and immediate verbal rewards for correct answers, Joshua was retaining what we could never get him to remember before! Then, at the end of the lesson, he was reading the sentences with hardly any stumbling at all! I was so pleased, that I signed up and was accepted for their affiliate program. If you are looking for a unique way to teach or help you kids with phonics, or if you are looking for a phonics review, click on the banner above or on one of the links to the left. Let me know what you think. I don't think you will be disappointed.
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