Topic: Favorite Links
The other day, I put out the request for others to send in their blogs, and I got an immediate response - from my own son! For those of you who may not know the Tinkel family, we have three children, John Allen - 12, Joshua - 7 and Jacob - 2. I thought that this would be a good homeschool project and John Allen heartily agreed. I was really pleased at how he stepped up right to the plate and got started. So here it is - John Allen's Blog . You can either press on it here, or go to the new section to the left in "My Favorite Blogs". Check it out and check it often. I'm very proud of him and he'll be writing more soon.
Another blog that I am adding, really isn't a blog at all. It's a link to our prayer letters. Most of you know that Sarah and I are full time missionaries. We run a small mission called "Good News Mission" near the low income housing area in the town that we live in. Our town is very small, so it's nothing like the projects in big cities, but, nevertheless, the people here need the Lord just like the people in the larger towns. I will be blogging about what we do and the things that happen around here frequently but check out our newsletters as well. Sarah writes most of our letters, so you will get a different perspective of things . Just click on Prayer Letters to the left under the "My Favorite Blogs".
I'm still looking for other bloggers to send in their blog and give permission to post them. Just send an email or post a comment. Hope you all enjoy the links so far.
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Updated: Thursday, 30 October 2008 3:54 PM CDT
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