
Topic: Politics
Much has been said, now that the election is over, about how we must unite as a country - how we must support our newly elected president - how we must be proud of our country for what it has done in this election. I want reunification. I want peace in this great nation. I want hope. I sincerely pray that their will be reunification, peace and hope in the United States.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God." In my humble opinion, (and this is my humble opinion), I believe that God wants us to fight peacefully. That may seem like an oxymoron. How can we fight peacefully. We can fight for what we believe in a peaceful manner. We cannot resort to violence in order to prove our cause. We must fight in a way that is honoring to God.
Although we must fight peacefully, and although I am proud of my country, I cannot unify with the way our country is going. I am thankful that three states voted to define marriage as a unity between one man and one women but, there cannot be unity in our country when the agenda of our senate and congress (and possibly our future president) continues to promote immoral lifestyles. There cannot be peace in our country when the blood of innocent unborn children (and some half born and dare I say some even fully born) is still being spilled. I cannot be proud of the American people if they continue to allow our leaders to take all references to God out of our schools and government and revise God out of the great history of our nation.
I know that this blog entry may be controversial, but I do not apologize for stepping on any one's toes. My toes and the toes of others who have been apathetic about the direction our country is going have needed to be stepped on for a long time. It is time for us to get down on our knees and pray for our country. Pray for our future. Pray for our newly elected officials. Pray that we will fight peacefully for what God says in His Word that we should do. Pray that our country will once again recognize our Godly heritage and turn back to Him. Pray that our city, county, state, and federal leaders will make prayerful, Godly decisions. That is the only way that we will have true unity in our country, true peace in our nation, and true hope for the future of America.
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Updated: Thursday, 6 November 2008 2:05 PM CST
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