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Monday, 26 December 2011
Do You Make New Year's Resolutions?
Topic: General


I've been thinking a lot about New Year's resolutions this year. I don't know why. In years past I've sometimes made them and sometimes I haven't. Lately, however, I've really been thinking about what things I want to change about myself and ways that I can help to improve my family.

I'll save the family ones for later, but here are a few of my personal resolutions:

  1. Learn how to use this infuriating Dragon program. (See yesterdays post.)
  2. Read through the Bible at least once.
  3. Eat healthier. (I got a juicer for Christmas to help with that.)
  4. Exercise.(Time to get out the Total Gym again.)
  5. Clean the basement.
  6. Work outside more.
  7. Plant a garden. (That should help with number three.)
  8. Do A L O T of fixer upper projects around the house.
  9. Start earlier getting ready for our summer day camps.
  10. Be more organized in homeschooling. (The kids should love that.)

Well, there you have it, my top 10 personal resolutions for 2012 – not necessarily in that order. I'm sure I'll think of more before 2012 actually begins. I'll keep you posted as to how I'm doing.

So what are your New Year's resolutions for this year? Have you made them yet? Do you usually make them? If you want to share just leave me a comment. We'd love to hear from you.

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:47 PM CST
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Tuesday, 27 December 2011 - 8:04 AM CST

Name: "Debbie"
Home Page: http://debbiesdigest.blogspot.com

I do not do resolutions... I never keep them. Instead I set goals, print them out, laminate the page, and keep it right on my desk so I can see it every day. I also post my yearly goals on my blog. Then I participate in Goal Planning Monday and do weekly goals, some of which reflect my yearly goals. I also do a monthly (though I did miss a couple months) update on my blog, on how I am doing on my yearly goals. Here is the beginning of Dec. post from my blog...  Yearly Goals Update ~ December. I will be doing an update on the 31st of how I did this year and then posting my new goals for 2012 on Jan. 1st. I am working on that this week... it is one of my weekly goals... Goal Planning Monday ~ Week 48 

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