
Topic: Family
Does your family have problems or hidden secrets that are like "dirty laundry"? The whole family knows that they are there, but no one talks about them. They especially don't talk about them outside of the family. My family's like that, and I'll bet yours is as well.
How should we deal with it? What should we do? It's not healthy to keep all of our problems inside, but how do we let it all out?
Well, this is a serious subject, but I have a good way to begin a family discussion into not holding things inside and forgiving one another. The other day I had the great privilege to pre-screen a special movie that is going to be shown this Saturday, September 3 on NBC at 8pm ET/7pm CT. Game Time: Tackling the Past is part of Wal-Mart and P&G's Family Movie Night series. And, it's fantastic! It deals with all of the above problems in a fun and entertaining way.
Jake Walker is a professional football player who, because of a family emergency, is called back to his small, North Carolina, hometown. A hometown and a family that he rarely visits anymore because of secrets from the past that are never talked about. You know...the family's dirty laundry. But, an injury of his own, along with the family crisis, forces Jake and his family to confront the hurtful past and present.
I know that this is cliché, but Game Time:Tackling the Past really does have something for everyone. There is football for the guys (and some gals), a little romance and drama for the gals (and some guys), and some comedy for everyone. But, most of all it's a really good family movie that you won't be afraid to sit down and watch with your kids. Like I said before, it's also a great discussion starter to talk about communication and how important it is to talk through your problems, hurts, and disagreements.
But, that's not the only reason I'm excited about this film. While pre-screening this film, a group of us had the great pleasure of being able to chat with one the stars, Catherine Hicks. You probably remember her from the long running family TV series, Seventh Heaven. Didn't she seem real on Seventh Heaven? Well, she's just as down to earth in real life. We chatted about the great cast of the film, where it was filmed (in North Carolina of course ), and how important family is to her. You can find out more about Catherine Hicks, the rest of the cast and the film itself by checking out the Family Movie Night website by clicking here - Before you do, though, take some time to watch the movie trailer below.
Looks good doesn't it? You can also get more information on all of the great Family Movie Night specials on Facebook by clicking
Don't forget! The premiere of Game Time: Tackling the Past is on Saturday, September 3 on NBC at 8pm ET/7pm CT. Have a great time watching, and let me know what you think after the movie's over.
“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Dad Central Consulting - - on behalf of P&G and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”
Updated: Tuesday, 30 August 2011 9:15 PM CDT
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