
Topic: Ministry
Mrs. Lass, our great friend and fellow missionary, brought some help for day camp this week - two of her grand daughters and two teenage boys. The boys are two of seven boys that were adopted into a fantastic family that live close to Mrs. Lass. She works with the brothers and any other youth or child that comes to the Bible study that the boys' parents lead in their home. The younger of the two, 18 year old John, has been helping lead games and has been a great fixer upper for us. Ramon, his 20 year old brother, has been helping with crowd control and...he just happens to be a fantastic Christian rapper. He is giving a half hour concert on Wednesday if you are close enough to come . If not, John Allen taped him giving a preview to the kids at day camp today. It's not great quality (we don't have a great video camera) but it's good enough. Enjoy - more may be coming later!